I Am Definitely Coming Back

This week has been amazing. I truly don’t know how to explain it. Just seeing what God has done in all the people he has reached through us, and what He is doing in all of the  team’s lives. We  now are officially done with events, evangelism, services and such for this trip. I can’t believe it’s done. It feels like we just got here. I REALLY don’t want to go home. I would be completely happy to just have this week go on forever.  We had three church services today, that was unusual. I have never been to three services in one day. The services are so very different here. There is generally about 45 minutes of just worship (music, testimonies, etc.), and then there is generally about a 45+ minute sermon. There are also a lot more differences, just in the way everything is run and done.

It’s somewhat funny, I’m so used to the sound of Spanish, that even the English around me sounds like Spanish if I’m not listening to hard. It will be weird going back to constant English instead of a mix. There have been a couple of times this week where a group of kids come up to me and start playing with my hair. It’s pretty funny, it’s happened at least three different times. Its really sweet though.

I don’t know what else to say. Other than I am EXTREMELY thankful I got to go on this trip. I am thankful for the awesome team this year and how well everyone has gotten along. I thank God for everything he has done for me and everyone this week. I was proud of everyone on this team for stepping out of their comfort zone and doing what God has called them to do. I know God will continue to do great things in all of our lives.

Thank you all for all of your support,


Breaking News, Yeti Spotted in Honduras.

Breaking News. Recent reports say that there have been multiple yeti sightings here in Honduras. The spotting’s have left locals and visitors with many questions. The yeti has been suspected to originate from somewhere in Kentucky, and that it might have been transported from Kentucky to Honduras and then planted on one member of a mission team. The mission team being from Kentucky, there may be a link between the origin of the yeti and the origination of the team. There is currently an investigation going on about who might have planted the yeti. There are many suspects (*cough, cough* “Fongs” *cough, cough*).  We will bring you any more information once it is made know to us.

Just Suck It Up and Get Over It

Yesterday, to be honest was probably one of the hardest/scariest days of my life. But I just had to suck it up and get over it, as Terry said (the local missionsary). Though not because of a fear of a monster or some terrifying task or adventure in the sense you might think. It was my first day doing door-to-door evangelism. Wow, I have never been stretched so hard in one afternoon. I was so scared I would mess up my sharing of the Gospel. But once I got started sharing with this lady, God took away my fears. It wasn’t until after we walked away from the house that I got scared again, scared of the fact that I might have left something out. But God provided as he always does.  Though all the people we shared the Gospel with did not come to Christ, we still planted seeds. Please pray for all the people who we shared the Gospel with. Yesterday evening we had a men’s and women’s conference. A few of us watched the kids, Me, Collin, Laura, Susie, Isaiah, Ida, and Jennifer our translator. We somehow managed to keep around 50 kids alive and happy (at least most of them, oh no don’t worry no one died). Collin found a friend (he nick-named him “Buddy”), Collin held him for most of the night. I’m pretty sure Buddy would have gone home with Collin in his backpack if Collin had tried to put him there, Buddy was so mellow. I found myself a friend too. He fell asleep in my arms, it was pretty sweet. But originally, he was the kid running around kicking and hitting people, I had to pull him away from a girl at one time and tell him no. Normally the stranger who disciplines the kid, the kid puts in his bad book forever. I found it interesting he let me hold him. This morning we held a “fiesta”. It was pretty fun, quite a few kids showed up. We got to put on a little skit called the “sin box”, its pretty much a skit that explains the Gospel. We will be having a leadership conference this evening.

Please continue to keep the trip in your prayers.


In Christ Alone

Well today most of the team went on door-to-door evangelism. But a few of us, Cathy, Stephanie, Isaiah, Collin, my dad and I all went  to a school to share the Gospel and share about the differences between our school systems. Stephanie introduced us all and talked a little bit about what she does as a teacher in the US. Collin and Isaiah talked about, FCA, band, and their daily routine. Cathy and I shared about homeschooling and what that is like for us. Collin then shared the Gospel with all the kids, I tell you that kid has a gift. God is going to do great things with him. Isaiah then shared the gospel, explaining the tracks we were handing out. Then we had a question and answer time. The kids were a little quiet but we got some great questions. Such as, “how do I have eternal life?”,  “what is Jesus’s love?”, “what is spiritual growth?”, etc. It was really great. We handed out Bibles which was really great, I really hope they read them. A couple, no not a couple, a ton of kids asked for us to sign their Bibles. It was really funny. At one point there were like 10 girls around Isaiah, and Collin and I were making jokes about “boy-band Isaiah”.  We will be leaving to go assist in a clothing ministry in a little less than an hour and after that we will be going to a church service. I will be singing “In Christ Alone”. That song has been playing through my mind often in preparation and on this trip. In Christ alone is the only way we can do anything.

Please continue to keep the team in your prayers,


Day 1


OK, after staring at this screen for a few minutes with a blank mind on how to start this, I am just going to give up on being subtle. Today was my first day ever on any kind of mission trip, and let me say that going in to this with not many expectations probably prepared me more than going with them. This morning we held a mini VBS in a church near where we are staying (which by the way, is amazing, it’s beautiful), the VBS was very fun. To hear all the laughs and smiles on children’s made the morning worth it. But Wes also shared the Gospel after we put on a little skit of the ‘lost sheep’. As great as the smiles and laughter are, the main reason we are here is not to make people ‘happy’ with candy or toys, but to share the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, which through Him is the only was we can be truly happy. After we put on the VBS, we went to a school and helped feed them lunch and again shared the Gospel and put on the skit of the ‘lost sheep’. I was the lost sheep, when I get back if you would like I can show you my mischievous ‘baa’. Just kidding. We then went to a hospital, which broke my heart. To see all the children whether they were sick or just injured or if they had been that way since birth, it really made me grateful of everything we have back home. I prayed over a girl named “Elizabeth”, which was a blessing to me. We then visited a children’s home for a little while and interacted with the kids there. All the little girls are so sweet, I just want to take them home with me. We have a church service tonight, where I will be sharing my testimony. Please continue to keep the whole trip in your prayers.

