It’s been an Amazing Week

The way I look at culture, sharing the gospel, the way I look at worship and the way I look at prayer has all been radically changed, and I won’t forget about it. This isn’t just some “emotional high” you get from going on a church retreat or overnight event, but God has shown me through the beautiful country of Hoduras is that a lot of the stuff we do in america all needs to be changed for the glory of God. We don’t need to be standing there during worship service thinking “I’m hungry” or “I’m tired”, but instead we should be raising our hands in the air and realize hoiw unworthy we our of God’s love. Instead of closing your eyes during a prayer so that,  on the outside, it looks like you’re praying but in reality you’re mentally coming up with plans for the evening, we need to on  our knees, crying out praises to God while puddles of tears fall down to the floor. Instead of making some cool event that has some catchy title to catch someones attention so that they’ll consider going to church ONCE, we need to be out there delivering the Gospel door-to-door to people who NEED CHRIST just as much as the people down here. Instead of looking at an international mission trip as your way of speaking about Jesus to others, we need to realize that (although this is an amazing trip to go on, and I encourage anyone who’s considering doing missionary work/ministry to do so) our home is our mission field, and that we should be waking up in the morning looking forward  to finding ways to bring Christ in every aspect of your life so that others will be impacted. I know that every single person on this trip feels the same way. God is the only way any of us can make a difference.


how did the week go by so fast?

It seems like yesterday when we were just departing from louisville. It has been a wonderful week so far, and the team has accomplished many things together, through “interpratators” (as Eddie would say), and most of all, Christ. I know that we’ll finish up the week strong. I’m so happy that we’ve been able to see hundreds of people profess their faith in christ! God has really blessed us.

How Great is our GOD

Every single day serving among the team has been a blessing, but I have to say that today will be a day that’ll stay in my memories for the rest of my life. Wes, Stephanie, Jeff, Lucy, some locals and I were able to go door to door and witness to people the good news. many were unreceptive or devout catholics, but as a team we managed to get 5 people to accept christ into their lives! Once we began the door to door Evangilism after lunch, I was put in a team with Eddie, Terry ( the man that has blessed us with a house to stay in)  and Robert (a local pastor).  I had already written up a quick overview of how I was going to share my faith, but the lord convicted my heart to evangilize with a different outline that involved a lot more scripture that, together, told the story of how Christ died for us. Through God’s awesome power, The team managed to place their faith in jesus! I’m fortunate that god strengthened me through the holy spirit, because I know that if he hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to get a family of 7 to pray that they will no longer be enemies of god but followers of christ, or to convinced a woman who thought she had never sinned that even the slightest liittle sin seperates us of God, and that our works our like filthy rags compared to Gods grace. To HIM be the glory. I was fortunate enough to run into a Little two year old kid as I helped out with the children at the Men/Women’s conference. He must have been two years old, because he sure didn’t talk much. He was running away from his group, from what it sounded like (and I don’t speak two year old spanish) looking for his parents. I was able to comfort him , hold him, and make him laugh for a whole 2 hours.  I asked for his name (in spanish) but I’m guessing he was to young to know himself. So to me, he was just my little Buddy haha. God’s Children are beautiful. Thank all of you for you’re prayers. God is doing big things in Comayagua Honduras, and I’m honored that myself and the rest of the team are vessels for it.

God rocks

Isaiah, Stephanie, Matt, Christianna, Pamella and I drove to a school  today to speak about God and tell them about our schools from back home. I had an amazing time being a part of it, and I pray that after delivered the message of the gospel to those kids, that I’ve planted a seed , and that god will begin to work in their Hearts. They had a lot of questions, and I could tell that they were hungry for God’s word.

A new experience

Honduras is very interesting. I’m almost overwhelmed because of all the differences in culture, scenery, and even in the air I breathe. But don’t get me wrong, it’s a good thing. It’s nice to see the beauty of the world outside of Kentucky. As soon as we arrived I couldn’t stop looking around at the hills and mountains. I’m a little nervous with evangelism with an interpreter today, but I know that God has called me to do so, and I really look forward to it. Please continue praying for us.
