Bring Her Home 13

I emailed one of the interpertors in Honduras and asked if she had seen Allison lately. She replied back and said yes she saw her two weeks ago and that she had started talking.Thank you Jesus ! I recieved another email that had the full names and birthdays of the girls in the Home Of Hope. Under Allisons name it had no information available. We don`t even know her birthday. I shared this with a co-worker friend of mine and she said ‘ Angels don`t have birthdays,’ how sweet. I still have a picture of all the girls of HOH on my dresser and on my refridgerator.I am dissapointed about the present circumstances but I am not discouraged. I still put my trust, my hope, and my faith in almighty God the creature of all. I still hurt and long to see her and hold her in my arms and call her my child. I want to give her the world and I want to hold her hand. I want to show her what it means to be loved. I look forward to seeing you again Allison Bonita.

Bring Her Home 12

After not hearing from the lawyer for two weeks I sent her an email. She replied that not only is my age an issue but that there is a line of people who have been wait about two years to adopt and that I just couldn`t pick a child out.She wanted to know if I had my Dossier ready. I replied that the the adoption agencies told me I had to get a lawyer first. I think my age is the real issue and no one wants to say that because they don`t want me to sue. I am dissapointed bot not discouraged. I will keep on keeping on waiting for God to intervene! Some how some way I am going to have to learn Spanish. Beunos naoches Allison Bonita!

Bring Her Home 11

The lawyer sent me an email wanting some more information! I sent her the info and also a picture of Allison. Of course she replied ” She is beautiful!” I told her about my experiance in Honduras. How the people their were so welcomeing and friendly. That Honduras should be known as the land of beautiful peolpe. I wish everyone in the United States could visit Honduras so they would know how to treat people. And if I got the privaledge to adopt Allison that I would like to change her middle name to Bonita. That means beautiful in spanish and that way she would always be reminded of the beautiful people from which she came. I aked one of the translators if she had seen Allison lately and how was she doing. She said yes she had just came from the home and that she was doing fine. She wanted to know if I was aware that Allison had not spoken since she had been at the home, she believes she is still in shock. I was not aware of that. I did remember that she did not say anything while we were there. I told her my youngest daughter did not speak hardly at all when she was little . The doctors thought she might be deaf. But I knew she wasn`t because she would talk to me. She was just very shy. She communicated mostly with body language.
I had a dream Thursday night / Friday morning. It was of Allison, she was reaching for me with her right arm. When I woke I wasn`t sure were I was at . The dream seemed so real. I became overwelmed with emotion and began to tear up. This is such a difficult place to be in. I think of her and it brings joy to my heart, and then comes the sadness of not being with her. Mz A is suppose to send me a picture of her, can`t wait. We voted on a revised offer on our contract today and it passed! Thank you Jeus! I really wasn`t loking forward to singing Waylon Jennings….Got the only Daddy that wlll walk the line ! I wonder if this is how God hurts when he is drawing someone to him but they just don`t come. All he wants to do is love them. I am not implying that Allison refuses to come, she is just not able right now.I wish I knew how to make it happen. All I know to do is to just pray and ask my friends to pray that God would intervene and do what I can`t. Father I am desperate and incapable I need your devine help with adopting Allison, please in the name of Jesus allow this to happen. Good nite Allison, love you.

Bring Her Home 10

I got an emai from the lawyer and she said she would try to help us! She seemed very enthusiastic. I sent her all the information I had on Allison. We voted on our contract proposal and turned it down and we also voted to strike. When it rains it pours. Even with all the battles going on, I have not wavered on my desire to adopt this beautiful child. Mz A says she has taken a photo of Allison and is going to send it to me as soon as she can. When I get to adopt her I am going to see if I can change her middle name to Bonita! I believe that means beautiful. Allison Bonita Vibbert. It has been 6 weeks but I can still feel her strong hug around my neck. Today is my sisters birthday. Good night Allison. Till we meet again xxxooo

Bring Her Home 9

I found another agency and they had an office in Indiana. So I emailed the manager. I waited 2 days and I got no response. I got an encouraging email from a friend with some good news about Allison. I wish I could share but I can`t right now. Our contract at work will be up next week. The union is in negotiations right now. The company has already cut our pay and took away 2 plant raises and 3 holiays and my insurance has gone from costing me $60 a week to $104 a week. And now the company wants more from us. My Aunt died last night, she is 80. She was older than my Dad. I surfed the net last night and I found a lawyer that does adoptions in Honduras, so I sent him an email. He sent me an email today saying he no longer works with Honduras but he knew some one who did and he gave me her email. Then I got an email from Dillon International who said they had gotten in touch with Marta the lawyer from Honduras and she said we would not be able to adopt Allison because we would be turning 51 before she would be eligable for international adoption. Well at least I got a response. I have a friend at work named Kathy who said she knew of a website that helps with foriegn adoptions and it was started by Stephan Curtis Chapman. I will check it out. I sent an email to the other lawyer in Honduras and now I am waiting for her response. Father I am doing what I can but I need your help in Jesus name Amen.

Bring Her Home 8

I have emailed a woman Mz R and she has responded quickly. She has been very helpful. She is very informed on international adoption. She isa client of Dillon International. She is in the process of trying to adopt a pair of children herself. After reading her emails it is clear she is a christian with strong faith. I went to Dillon International and sent them a lengthy email with as much info as I could but it did not take. So I went to their blog but couldn`t get anywher with that. I jotted down the number of their Indiana office and I hope to reach them tomorrow. I have gotten an email from Mz A saying they are in need of funds for the Homes of Hope and thatthey would not be getting anymore goverment funding for Allison. With each step I take it seems I meet with more and more negativaty. All we want is to love this little girl and give her a home where she knoes she is loved.

Bring Her Home 7

I have not heard anything more from the lawyer so I forwarded everything to Ryan from the christian adoption agency. He said without the lawyers help he could do nothing. Mz A has given me someone else to try and I emailed her today. All I want to do is love this little girl. I am not wealthy or well educated but I am rich in love, and I want to give her a home were she that knows she is loved. I think I am going to start involving my Pastor in this ordeal, I could use the help. He seems to be a man full of compassion. Pharoh didn`t let the children of Isreal go on the first try either. I know this is going to be a battle. I also know God is the ultimate warrior! I talked to my Mom yesterday, and she son do you want me to tell you what I think? I said yes Momma I do. She said I think your crazy. I said I would think that too if it weren`t for God wanting me to do this. She asked are you sure it`s God wanting you to do this. I said yes Momma I am positive. She said well all right then. I can`t say I have ever felt a yearning like this except for when I knew I wanted Malinda as my wife. Father I ask for your help and guidience and don`t allow me to do anything to mess this up. Allison we love you.

Bring Her Home 6

Today while I was at work, I was thinking about Allison and I began to cry. I felt a comfort from the Holy Spirit, as the verse of scripture came to me “With God all things are possible.” Then I was thinking of “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” As I was thinking about this verse, I was thinking of how to develope a sermon on it. I pondered on this all day and thought how God likes to do what we think is impossible, to show us he is in control. I stayed and worked overtime and as I was taking a break I stopped to discuss Allison with a coworker. She said we just have to keep up the faith and she would be a faith partner with me and that God doesn`t do easy, He likes to do the hard stuff just to show us He is running things! When she said that chills went thru my soul! That is what the Holy Spirit had been saying to me that day!!

Bring Her Home 5

I haven`t heard anything from the lawyer yet. I have had several dreams of Allison reaching out to me. My desire to adopt her is still strong. I find myself worrying about her like she is my own child. Is she safe, is she hurting,is she scared? I heard from Mz A and she said Allison will not be elligable for adoption until November. Pleasse continue to pray that God would work a mighty work!!

Bring her home 4

The next day I called the christian adoption agency an talked to R and he said the lady who works with the Honduras cases was out on business. He said he would try to elp me. I told him my story and he said usualy you work with an attorney first and then call them. I told hom I didn`t know any attornies and I wanted to know if Allison was eligable for international adoption. He told me he would see what he could find out. After 2 long days he emailed me back . He gave me the email address of an adoption lawer in Honduras who was supose to be highly recommended. I also got an email back from Mz A, reconferming that the picture I sent her was Allison.
I sent an email to yhe attorney telling her my story. I got an email back from her and she wanted to kow if Allison had been declared abondend. If she hadn`t it could take the court about a year to declare her eligable for international adoption. I sent her an email saying I didnt know, all I knew was that her mother had died about a month ago and she was staying in an orphanage. She sent me an email back wanting to know the names on the birth certificate, and was the director of the home aware that I wanted to adopt Allison. I sent her an email saying I didn`t know about the birth certificate and the people who run the home know I wanted to adopt Allison.
I got another email from Mz A and she reaffirmed that was Allison in the picture and that she was going to the IHFNA and tell them of my intentions. Today is Febuary 2, 2012.