Day 7-adam

Woke up and got dressed took a shower then I did my devotional. It was an emotional day for uswe went to vbs and then came home and stayed till 5then left fof a church service and came home and that was our short day.

Day6 -adam

Woke up took a shower ate then did devotional after devotional went to vbs then came home for lunch. Then we evangelized and after that wewent to church and that was my day.

Day 5- adam

Yesterday I went to the school and we had a bible study and we did crafts and we had games. Then we fed them and we played outside. After that we came and ate lunch and then we went to visit people at the hospital. Then we headed to a church service. We fed them after the service and gave them clothes and we left so that was my day.  God is amazing and I am thankful for the opportunity to be here.

Day 4 – Adam

Woke up and got ready and had a great breakfast and devotional before heading out.  We went to a small village and had a fiesta with the kids.  We came back to the house and had lunch.  Then we went back to the village and went door-to-door sharing God’s word.  This was the first time I ever did this and I was very blessed with being able to share the gospel and God worked through me to lead a woman to Christ.  This was so exciting for me I was nervous at first but God gave me peace and gave me the words to share with her.  I was in a group with my mom, Cassie, Isaiah, and Natalie, our interpreter Jennifer and two people from the local church that will stay in contact with her.  It was a great day.


It started out regularly. I got up and got ready but we were supposed to have breakfast at 7:00 am but I woke up at 7:28 am. Wes Pepper woke me up and we went downstairs to eat. After breakfast we had a devotional. Then we went for our last day to paint. I painted a whole lot and then I went and played with the girls. Wes and I gave the girls candy and I helped one of the girls ride a bike. Then we came home and got lunch then again we went back and painted. After that we had to leave. It was hard but we did. We came home and Wes and I played with a ball and I got it stuck on the roof so we had to tell everybody. And that was my day!


I woke up at 5:45 am and I got dressed then came downstairs and got some breakfast the cooks food is amazing better than my moms (joke).  After I ate breakfast we sat down and did a devotional and talked about what the day was going to be like. We left for girls orphanage  to paint and we gave them candy and stuffed animals.

I met a little girl and she was really fun to play with. I painted a lot and scrubbed the floors. Then we came back and got lunch. After lunch we went back and painted some more. Then we came back again and we got dressed for an evening church service and the service was really touching.  After the service we came back and talked about the day and now I’m blogging you so I’ll blog more tommorow