Day 4 – Adam

Woke up and got ready and had a great breakfast and devotional before heading out.  We went to a small village and had a fiesta with the kids.  We came back to the house and had lunch.  Then we went back to the village and went door-to-door sharing God’s word.  This was the first time I ever did this and I was very blessed with being able to share the gospel and God worked through me to lead a woman to Christ.  This was so exciting for me I was nervous at first but God gave me peace and gave me the words to share with her.  I was in a group with my mom, Cassie, Isaiah, and Natalie, our interpreter Jennifer and two people from the local church that will stay in contact with her.  It was a great day.

2 thoughts on “Day 4 – Adam

  1. Adam – I am so proud of you being obedient to God. Glad you are having a good time. Cant wait to heat more about what you all are doing !

  2. Adam, how cool is that! So glad you got to be part of God changing someone’s life.

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