Day 7

As our last day comes to an end, I am reminded of how great our God really is. I have had an extraordinary time that has changed my heart. As I look back I realize all the opportunities that I had that I just pushed away. I now am sitting here and just can’t believe in the middle of all this goodness I have been so selfish. I had a glorious last day though and could see myself coming back in the near future. I had a great day worshipping God with all my brothers and sisters in Christ. Church this evening was touching and I heard the same about this morning. VBS during church this morning was really fun also. Just to be with all these sweet sweet kids and seeing them greatly enjoy and appreciate it made me so thankful I was given this opportunity. My God is so good!

Day 6

Today was another God filled day. It has been raining off and on but the most it does when our team is out is sprinkle and not for very long. We had many sharing opportunities. We started off with VBS. It was just so amazing to see the happy kids partaking. Then of course there was the sad part of watching all the kids that want to be involved sitting outside the fence. Later we went door-to-door. Although my group only went to one house the whole time, I know it was God’s plan because we were able to get a bunch accomplished. Then there was community church service outside. I loved seeing people come in throughout the service. We were all so different but gathered there together we were all one body glorifying God.

Day 5

What a glorious day from God it has been. We started off with VBS and it was a great time. I just love getting to work with the kids here. They are all so very sweet and just want to be loved. They are all open to what we have to say also. We then got to feed the kids that attended VBS. As I sit here typing this, tears just come to my eyes. Hearing them say serve the littler kids first just in case we run out of food. Then later learning that this is the last month of the feeding of these kids because of money problems. I, as a spoiled North American,  can’t imagine not getting 3 meals plus snacks every day. We then visited a hospital which was really upsetting to see all the needs which help for most isn’t possible here. We went straight from there to a community feeding and clothing drive. Just seeing all these people getting so happy and grateful over little things that would make us North Americans mad because it is not enough. This trip has really changed my life. I have realized how ungrateful and rude I really am. I have had quite the experience this trip and can’t wait to see what else God has in plan for me.

Day 4

Today was a day full of opportunity’s to serve. We started off with a fiesta at a church with about 60 kids. It was such a blessing to see them so happy over things that I tend to take for granted. Their faces light up at the slightest gifts you give to them.  It could be a piece of candy and they are so thankful and happy. We then got to go visit what will one day be a church camp. It was out there with really nothing around so you just stood out there peering at the beautiful scene God has created. Later in the afternoon we got to go door-to-door evangelizing. It was such a blessing to get to share my faith with these people that know who God is but don’t know much about him and the life he lived. I was definitely scared but it calmed me when I realized how grateful and open then people were to what we were doing for them. They would give everything they had to us just to show us how much they really do appreciate us. It might just be a chair but they will stand just so we can sit. My view on life has been changed already and we are just now half way through our trip. God is good!

Day 3

Today was another wonderful day. We went back to the orphanage to finish up painting.  I was painting outside all afternoon so I got to see many neighborhood people. They were all very friendly and anytime you looked at them their faces light up with a smile from ear to ear. It was very hard to leave the girls at the orphanage. I know I will come in contact with other cute kids throughout the week which is what I had to keep telling myself. We didn’t have a church service tonight because of it being New Years Day which is a major holiday here. Instead a group of us took a walk around the community in which we are staying. It was so nice to look around at all the natural beauty that God created in such a poverty struck country. I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for me and the rest of the team the rest of the week.

Day 2

Today was a very touching day. The people are so welcoming and happy all the time. The girls  at the orphanage were just so cute and all though they couldn’t understand us and we couldn’t understand them, they tried so hard to talk to us and loved playing with everyone. They were very welcoming to us “strangers” as soon as we pulled up. The neighbor kids touched me too. As soon as we pulled up they came right over to us and stood outside the whole time we were there before we left for lunch. Church service was very different but an awesome experience. All the people were so glad to have us there worshiping with them. Although they had a different way of worshiping I just had to keep telling myself although it was different then what I’m used to we were all worshiping the same God and it didn’t matter how it was being done. Everyone always has a smile on their face, and are very grateful and compared to us they don’t really have anything. They are all very inspiring people who are always grateful.