Day 4

Today was a day full of opportunity’s to serve. We started off with a fiesta at a church with about 60 kids. It was such a blessing to see them so happy over things that I tend to take for granted. Their faces light up at the slightest gifts you give to them.  It could be a piece of candy and they are so thankful and happy. We then got to go visit what will one day be a church camp. It was out there with really nothing around so you just stood out there peering at the beautiful scene God has created. Later in the afternoon we got to go door-to-door evangelizing. It was such a blessing to get to share my faith with these people that know who God is but don’t know much about him and the life he lived. I was definitely scared but it calmed me when I realized how grateful and open then people were to what we were doing for them. They would give everything they had to us just to show us how much they really do appreciate us. It might just be a chair but they will stand just so we can sit. My view on life has been changed already and we are just now half way through our trip. God is good!

One thought on “Day 4

  1. Tailar, you are right…..God IS good! So thankful that you were able to go along with your PawPaw Greg on this mission trip. Praying for more blessings for everyone & safe travels home.
    Aunt Becky

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