More Pics and the Other Half

The other half of the totes have arrived and just in time. Tomorrow is our first VBS and the tote with the supplies was in the missing half but a short 4-hour round trip car ride to Tegucigalpa and back and we now have all 14 Totes. I missed out on our first door-to-door experience, but we had a good grouping of our teams and I am confident all is going well. We had 12 children pray to receive Christ at this morning’s fiesta. There were 60 children in attendance in all and for that we praise God and I look forward to hearing their experiences this afternoon at tonight’s share time.

We are doing some souvenir shopping and some sight seeing tonight. Comayagua is home to the second oldest clock tower in the Americas and so we will take the team to see it.

I will try to get some of the others to post tonight and if there is someone that you want to hear from specifically, comment and let us know and I will pass the word.

We do have one sad thing to report…it’s already Thursday and I would bet there will be a few that will not want to leave.

And now for the stuff you want to see:

Day 3

Today was another wonderful day. We went back to the orphanage to finish up painting.  I was painting outside all afternoon so I got to see many neighborhood people. They were all very friendly and anytime you looked at them their faces light up with a smile from ear to ear. It was very hard to leave the girls at the orphanage. I know I will come in contact with other cute kids throughout the week which is what I had to keep telling myself. We didn’t have a church service tonight because of it being New Years Day which is a major holiday here. Instead a group of us took a walk around the community in which we are staying. It was so nice to look around at all the natural beauty that God created in such a poverty struck country. I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for me and the rest of the team the rest of the week.


It started out regularly. I got up and got ready but we were supposed to have breakfast at 7:00 am but I woke up at 7:28 am. Wes Pepper woke me up and we went downstairs to eat. After breakfast we had a devotional. Then we went for our last day to paint. I painted a whole lot and then I went and played with the girls. Wes and I gave the girls candy and I helped one of the girls ride a bike. Then we came home and got lunch then again we went back and painted. After that we had to leave. It was hard but we did. We came home and Wes and I played with a ball and I got it stuck on the roof so we had to tell everybody. And that was my day!

God is GREAT

Second day working and I’m almost out if shirts, someone forgot work shirts and they are taking all of mine! 🙂 Nooooo!

No, actually I have plenty 🙂 just giving a fellow team member some grief. This trip has started with first a devotion about setting aside self and reflecting Jesus Christ. That started with us doing hands on work at a pastors house. Pastor and his wife raises 7 orphans, little girls, and it’s a great blessing to all of us to be able to help them out.

Day 2

Today was a very touching day. The people are so welcoming and happy all the time. The girls  at the orphanage were just so cute and all though they couldn’t understand us and we couldn’t understand them, they tried so hard to talk to us and loved playing with everyone. They were very welcoming to us “strangers” as soon as we pulled up. The neighbor kids touched me too. As soon as we pulled up they came right over to us and stood outside the whole time we were there before we left for lunch. Church service was very different but an awesome experience. All the people were so glad to have us there worshiping with them. Although they had a different way of worshiping I just had to keep telling myself although it was different then what I’m used to we were all worshiping the same God and it didn’t matter how it was being done. Everyone always has a smile on their face, and are very grateful and compared to us they don’t really have anything. They are all very inspiring people who are always grateful.


I woke up at 5:45 am and I got dressed then came downstairs and got some breakfast the cooks food is amazing better than my moms (joke).  After I ate breakfast we sat down and did a devotional and talked about what the day was going to be like. We left for girls orphanage  to paint and we gave them candy and stuffed animals.

I met a little girl and she was really fun to play with. I painted a lot and scrubbed the floors. Then we came back and got lunch. After lunch we went back and painted some more. Then we came back again and we got dressed for an evening church service and the service was really touching.  After the service we came back and talked about the day and now I’m blogging you so I’ll blog more tommorow

How great is OUR God! (Cuan Grande Es Dios)

What a great day here in Comayagua, Honduras!   The opportunities to serve have been plentiful and the blessings received have been in abundance! 

We began the day by painting at an orphanage. We painted a few of the rooms and most importantly we were able to spend time with the girls.  They are adorable and I am reminded of the universal language of love and OUR God!  We will be returning to the home again tomorrow and painting some more rooms and spending more time with the girls – I cannot wait!   Oh, and for anyone reading this to Austin, please let him know that the girls love his Scooby-Doo that he sent with us to share.

This evening we went to a Church service and I was truly blessed worshiping OUR God!  We began singing with them “How great is our God” of course I did not know the Spanish, but was able to join in and worship with them. That was the theme of the day for me, being constantly reminded that no matter where you are in the world when you fellowship with other brothers and sisters in Christ you automatically feel a connection with them.

Painting and Worship

Today was the first day of service! We arrived yesterday after a long day of travel. We have been so blessed with a wonderful home and wonderful food! For those of you who do not know me I am a very picky eater but I have truly enjoyed every meal thus far and have truly been blessed by that! Today we were able to paint a home. This home was not anything like homes in america. It is not too different in structure but in those who live in it. A husband and a wife have taken in 7 girls who were in need of a home. This has been passed down through the husbands family. It was such a blessing to see the girls and play with them. They spoke no English and I spoke no Spanish but yet we were able to communicate and enjoy being with each other. We also were able to attend a church service that was awesome! We sang many songs and even knew a few of the songs. It was an amazing experience to be able worship along with our brothers and sisters here in Honduras! I am looking forward to seeing what else the Lord has in store for our team!
