3 thoughts on “Picture Overload of the Day

  1. Hi Valerie and Adam Bates,
    Happy New Year! I’m hoping you’re experiencing a lot of firsts while enjoying helping others who need it.

  2. Answered prayers so far: Safe arrival, no comments from Tailar to come home, & no complaints from Greg about the food…oh, no intestinal complaints from anyone that is publicly known. On a more serious note…continued prayer for the rest of totes to arrive, thank you to the Lord for His amazing plans for our lives & how He works things out, thank you to each team member for their service, thank you for the comments on the blog…it is almost like being there with you, and praying that everyone you “touch” will receive a blessing as will you.

    Becky Montgomery aka Aunt Becky
    FMBC/Flat Rock

  3. For all those wishing to leave comments, I have lifted the need to register in order to comment so it is easier. I know many on the team are hoping to hear from you so comment away.

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