The 24-Hour Window

Well, we are within the 24-hour window. Isaiah, Valerie, Adam and I have arrived at a hotel in Indianapolis and are getting ready for bed. Hopefully we will get to sleep early since we need to be up by 3am. The rest of the team will be leaving around 1am to make the drive over. Pray the weather holds out for them as we ran into some ice and snow on the way over, however the 85 degree reception will be a nice reward for the lack of sleep.

As the new year begins I pray that this week begins a new life for many in Honduras, but I more pray that the lives of the team will be even more impacted and that they will forever impact the lives of those around them for many years to come.

My heart still aches that Amy is not with us, but her heart and prayers are and hopefully we will be able to make her proud through these blog posts.

Pray for safe and easy travel and for rest so we may all serve faithfully.

Also don’t be afraid to leave comments on the blog, questions or just an encouraging word, either goes a long way for teammates to know that folk back home are following along.

Good night for now.

In Christ and 4HisService,