The Importance of a Meal

My heart broke today as we were told that there was not enough food to feed all of the children who showed up for our Mini-VBS and Feeding Ministry. We sang with the children, we divided them into groups and did crafts with them and played games with them. We then had the opportunity to act out the parable of the Lost Sheep and use it as a way to share the gospel. We were amazed once again as God added 18 more to HIS Kingdom. As this was happening, Brother Wes Hahn took a translator and went to talk to a group of teenagers who had gathered outside, who the locals described as members of the local gang. By God’s power and to the amazement of us all, and literally through much trembling and fear, 7 of the teenage boys prayed to receive Christ. But then came the announcement about the food.

It was decided that only the smallest children would get food, which for us meant passing by children who were begging and pleading with us for food in order to deliver a plate to a younger child. Plate after plate I watched these sad faces grow more and more sad as they were passed by, and then…the plates just kept coming…and they kept coming…and they kept coming. Though the portions may have decreased, and though I am sure that they did not eat their fill and have 12 baskets of leftovers, I am sure that God extended the depth of the serving pot in order to feed those who came. Everyone ate!

Many of us, especially those of us in the States, take for granted the importance of a meal. For us, skipping a mean is not something we do often but we also know that we will have 2 others throughout our day. For these children, skipping this meal would have meant not eating at all that day. Open Eyes Ministries ( which is the ministry we are here serving with, currently feeds around 100 children lunch every week day throughout the month at an expense of $500 a month. Many of us spend more than that on a monthly basis for a family of 4, let alone 120. And without trying to sound like an advertisement, I want you to pray about what you can do to help. The reason I say this is because I was told today that when January ends, so does this feeding ministry as the money has run out.

Will we, who easily drop $30 or more at a fast food restaurant, allow this to happen? I pray not, just as I pray that the commitment of these 49 people, the 49 who we have witnessed make a profession of faith, will grow into full discipleship with Christ as their Lord.

3 thoughts on “The Importance of a Meal

  1. I am praying about this on how much to give and I will also take this back to my SS class tomorrow. I have been thinking. Is there any land there at the feeding site or close by where they could grow vegetables if money was given to start a community garden like what they do in western Louisville? It would be great if the garden was big enough to sustain the program entirely or at least supplement the feeding program. Or can gardens be planted at each of these children’s homes again with monetary help? Rich, please ask Arlene & Terry about this and get back to me. I have prayed for you all this past week!

  2. Bro. Rich, as I read your blog…several times…I was in awe that the team would experience the heartbreak of seeing children w/o food…and then witnessing the miracle of everyone being able to eat! As WMU director at Flat Rock FMBC, I want you to know that our church will discuss the opportunity of helping with this ministry. I can’t promise what we can do , but I feel that we can be of some help. God, continue to bless this mission team as they serve You through the next few days.

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