Sunday Service, Great Lunch, and No Power

8 Being Baptized

8 Being Baptized

This morning went well. We were able to witness 8 baptisms in very cold water. Thank God from brother Duard and warm water. It was a little chilly today, around 55 and the water temperature was probably about the same. It was also interesting that we came to Honduras to meet people from Switzerland. Their son was one of the people being baptized today.

The worship was great. The pastor of this church is also affiliated with Compassion International so their financial support is good and they even had “wall-music” this morning. That was great because we were able to sing along as well, at least in our Kentucky draw pronunciations.

We got back from the service and Fanny had pork steaks and potatoes for us. I swear I am bringing here home with us. Amy would agree. I then realized we had no power. There is some pretty good wind today and I guess it knocked something out so I have been hand-writing my sermon and for those that know me, I type for a reason. Thankfully we have power and all is good.

No Keith we cannot put a pool in the CLC

No Keith we cannot put a pool in the CLC

It is always amazes me how God works out the details. We opened all of the totes this afternoon and everything that was donated fits well with what we are doing all week. Tonight we are going to be at another church at 6:00pm and then tomorrow we are going to go door-to-door in the community (get out the walking shoes).

I am hoping for a good nights rest before the choir of rooster’s all crow yet again in the morning. But our rule for the week along with part of my sermon tonight which comes from Philippians 2 is that we will do all things without grumbling or questioning so may God be glorified even when the rooster’s crow.

The rest of the team is in the back playing a little basketball this afternoon which gives me a little peace in order to finish my sermon preparation so I will have them blog more this evening, barring no more power outages. I look forward to seeing what God will do this week.


5 thoughts on “Sunday Service, Great Lunch, and No Power

  1. Hey, guys! Isn’t modern technology grand? Feels like we’re right there with you on this trip! We look forward to hearing & seeing more! We’re so blessed to know that God is pouring through each of you to touch lives for His kingdom! Hallelujah (that’s fm Arlene!) 🙂 Know that we’re praying for you. We’re so honored to serve alongside such surrendered hearts! In the big & the little, be amazed as the Lord orchestrates all things for His glory. Even tho Joey didn’t get to make it, we know that God will be glorified in that too. Know that you’re loved, missed & being prayed for!


  2. Our prayers have been for a safe trip to Honduras and they have been answered. Amy– Marilyn Jaco’s sister, Laura (the one involved with drinking and drugs years ago) passed away from cirrosis of the liver. Visitation and funeral was today (Sunday). Saw Melissa, Chrissy and Jenny. They were excited for you and the trip. Also, saw Bev Davis. Please have everyone pray for her. She has bladder cancer and has just finished the round of chemo, waiting for CAT scan to tell the results. She misses Paul so much and is ready for the Lord to take her home if that is His will. Will be praying for the work you will be doing for the Lord this week and your safe return to Louisville.
    Dad & Mom

  3. So glad to read the trip is going well. We are praying for the group daily.

  4. Glad you guys made it safely. We are praying for you and hope that you have a very fruitful trip!

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