Wednesday’s Schedule

We will have breakfast and morning devotions at 7:00am. We then leave at 8:15 am tomorrow morning for a community actually named 3 de Octubre (October 3) where we will go door witnessing to the community. After lunch we will then host a community wide feeding for about 200 people where Ed and Mary will share there testimonies and Isaiah will share the gospel and lead a time of response. We will then have an early service, around 4:00pm and God fittingly laid on my heart the feeding of the multitude in Luke 9:10-17.

When we get back and after dinner, we will sort out and create 40 separate clothing bags for the following days activities. (I’ll probably be working on Thursdays message)

Everyone was tired tonight, but I’ll carve out some time tomorrow and try to get each one to share something as well as the pictures I k ow some took from today’s journey.

Keep praying and God Bless. Tomorrow the real work begins!

One thought on “Wednesday’s Schedule

  1. I hope everyone on the team has had and is having a great day. i noticed the temperature was a little warmer there than here. I am glad everyone made it safe. Everyone get as much rest as possible so you can keep up your strength. We will have a specific time of prayer tonight at Prayer meeting for you all. Have a great rest of the day and evening

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