Love one another.

I was nervous about going on mission, before I arrived in Honduras, I thought I would not fit in because of my dark skin. Strangely enough people come up to me and talk in spanish and expect me to answer. It was funny as I was speechless. I will now have to learn Spanish.

Today we spent the day at the La Palma community, first it was a long scary drive up the mountainside. I am thankful to Pamela who was our expert driver for her exceptional skill in negotiating all the steep roads. The church was located at the top of the hill amidst the coffee plantations. Door to door was gratifying as usual. Meeting new people, praying with them, praying for them.

Later there were games and bible stories with the kids. Parents heard the gospel and many rededicated their lives to God.  I also saw Gods love in action, so many generous people donated clothes, shoes, dresses, toys, books and much more.These were shared with families today. Church members and friends your donations reached 40 families today. Thank you. Little kids received toy cars and fluffy toy’s. All Who received were thankful and happy.

Gods love was clearly evident today.


One thought on “Love one another.

  1. It’s good to see that the weeks spent preparing by gathering clothes, toys, and treats were greatly appreciated. I’m sure the same reception would not be felt in this country.

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