Found my niche.

Went door to door evangelizing today, it does still scare me a little but maybe I am getting better at evangelism. Today I was teamed  with Hector,  Amy and Mary and am learning more and more. I enjoy talking about Jesus and how my life has changed. There was one rededication and six confessions of faith with our group.

After sharing we enjoyed our first soda in a bag thanks to Amy and Hector. This was fun and I have picture to prove that.

Then there was prayer downtown at the Santidad church of Comoyagua. Church members stayed in the church while teams went out to invite people in for prayer. I was teamed with Mary, Carmen and Isaiah.

I was really excited to do this. When all the teams quickly returned to the church I suggested we head out and talk to people. I talked to the first person in my faltering Spanish and Carmen was fantastic  in translating. Our team walked the park approaching all in the park even praying for a few that wanted prayer but did not want to walk to the church.

We team prayed, each one of us praying while Carmen translated. Finally we stood at the corner and talked and prayed  to many people, directed even more people to the church.

Today I am proud of myself, I talked to a few people in Spanish and invited them to receive prayer without using the translator. I am now motivated to learn Spanish and become more involved in street evangelism.

Yes I have found my niche.