The Work Begins

Never fear, we are here. It was a long day of travel. Pastor and Cathy finally joined us at 3:00am, all of our luggage arrived, and God has already been blessing us and we are now with the entire team, translators included. This morning we were challenged by the pastor to recognize the True Jesus and to look past the preconceptions that we often place on who Jesus is in the Bible Belt. We sometimes see Jesus as our personal savior and one whom blesses us but we forget that we are to be sharing that blessing with others. This week we are going to do that, but the challenge is to not leave that in the country of Romania but to bring our service home with us so much that it becomes contagious.

In Luke 5:1-11, Luke tells the story of Jesus instructing the fishermen to fish in the deep when they knew that they should fish on the shallow. In this story we see Peter being faithful to Christ but also we see the pronoun change from the personal “I” to the pronoun “they.” For us the point is that our passion for fishing, for men that is not bass or crappie, should become contagious. God is in control and we need to Radically surrender to the Jesus of the Bible and not of the Bible belt, which often will mean abandoning what we think we know as Peter and the other fishermen had to do in Luke 5, and give authority over to Christ, and possibly with reckless abandon.

Continue to pray for us as the real work begins today.

For those who like pictures, I have uploaded some to Facebook at the link below:!/album.php?aid=2065674&id=1508080875

Thank God for his blessings and for the work ahead.

One thought on “The Work Begins

  1. Hey! Good to hear from you fine missionaries got to Romania safely. Praying for all of you. Be safe and make Jesus really really famous. Lokking forward to your next post.

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