The adventure continues

Well, two days ago while watching the kids during the women’s conference; I was taking a little girl to the restroom. We had to walk to a nearby restaurant in the dark. I didn’t have a translator with me, the little girl was talking fast and furious and holding on tight. Evidently, she was warning me. I stepped into the sewer, luckily I could pick her up and take her across safely. Then yesterday, I was chased down and almost pulled out of the van by a sweet women and kissed,kissed, hugged, and almost pulled out of the van.

The biggest adventure, though is sharing the gospel with these wonderful, happy people. No matter what condition they are living in, they are so grateful. They are constantly telling us how blessed they are for what they have in their lives. I have learned so much from them. I need to be more grateful for what I have in my life and love others like Christ loves us.

Today, we visited another church to feed the children. Again, the kids were so happy just to play simple games and receive candy and a small McDonald toy. Pray for me tomorrow as I give my testimony, as many of you know; I am not a speaker. But this mission trip has taught me to get out of my comfort zone. I thought I could never go door to door either,but with God’s grace I was able to do just that.

Continue to pray for our team tomorrow as we have three church services to attend, and for a safe trip home.

In Christ


PS. LOVE YOU JOE, JOEY AND CASSIDY. Ps cassidy and Joe your have two days, I am heading home.

2 thoughts on “The adventure continues

  1. Susie, Your blogs have been great. It has been a blessing to me and I am sure many more that have read them. What our great Lord has done through you all is testimony alone. Keep up His work. Also did you call the plumber for the sewer problem?
    God Bless

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