I will Praise You in the Storm..

That song (see the title of this post) sums up the week for me.  The rain from the clouds has been minimal and has not slowed us down, but the storms that Satan has tried to create in my life have made me have to fully rely on God for energy, strength, endurance and patience.  But I do Praise Him for these storms, as God has allowed me to work through this and hold fast to the fact that it is not about me.  God has shown up, used each of the 15 of us and our interpreters, in ways none of us expected or could imagine.  While teaching some kids the song, My God is so Big, I was again reminded that He is SO BIG!!!  He asked me to obey and come on this trip as He knew there was going to be amazing things happen.  This had to make Satan “shake in his boots” so he did all he could do to ruin this trip, but again, God is BIGGER and He Delivers his people if we call out on His name.

I know I have not blogged until now and it is not because there has been nothing to say, it is partly due to the “storms” but mainly because there has been so much that God has done I have not been able to but words to His Works.  My teammates have done a terrific job at keeping everyone up to date, so I will let them speak what I cannot.

All I can say is…  Once again, I say Amen, and its still raining

One thought on “I will Praise You in the Storm..

  1. I love you Amy and thank you for allowing God to use you on this trip in ways that you may never get to understand this side of heaven.

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