What Do Chocolate and Tan Stand For?

For some of you it may describe the color of your dog. For others of you it may describe your favorite ice cream and summer pastime. For those of us on the team, it represents a long and rewarding day of painting at the Homes of Hope Orphanage in Comayagua (Jeff Vibbert…We wish you were here!)

We painted a bedroom, a living room, a hall, and the kitchen and hope to finish the other bedroom, the downstairs living room, the other hall and both bathrooms. If we get that done and can still move, then we will start on the exterior. My prayer is that this brightens up the new year a bit for the girls of the home. Pastor Robert and his wife had a good smile as they watched the progress.

Speaking of New Year, there has been a lot of fireworks already and one of the things we saw today, that if I get a picture of I will attach it for you (I hope to add pictures tonight), is dressed up dummy’s with peoples faces placed on them. We were told that people create these images or dummies, or other things that they feel are bad, and as part of the new year celebration they will fill them with fireworks (aka explosives as they have no ATF here and still have the really good fireworks…we know, they were going off all day today) and blow them to bits as a symbol that they are ridding themselves of this evil for the new year. Needless to say, it might be interesting throughout the night tonight.

Tomorrow is Pamela’s birthday, our lead interpreter (or for Eddie Baker…interpretater) and she will not be with us tomorrow, but we will be painting for the majority of the day and tomorrow evening we will do some training with the team to prepare them for the fiestas and for the door-door evangelism.

Right now we are getting ready for our first church service, which should host a couple hundred people. Brother Wes Hahn of Shiloh Baptist will be preaching tonight a message on the most important question that every person must answer based out of Matthew. I am looking forward to both hearing him preach, but also to being able to worship once again with people who have become a second family of sorts who are not afraid to worship with everything that they have. For some on the team, they may walk out of service both in amazement and possibly with a bit of fear because of the complete different feeling and the extreme energy that is expressed, maybe it will rub off on all of us.

Our first share time will also be tonight after service and dinner and that is always my favorite part. I will encourage the others to start their blogging efforts tonight as well as I will set my laptop out for everyone to use.

That is probably more than anyone wants to read at the moment so I will post more later, but keep the comments coming. Oh and Aunt Donna, Wes said Hi.