
Today, my team went door to door witnessing. At one home, there was a dirt and rock floor with lots of blocks lying around. Basically, the place was a complete mess as far as U.S. citizens are concerned. The house had been demolished and they were in the process of “remodeling.” There were few possessions lying around. The lady thanked Jesus for her home and all she had. I was reminded of the picture taped to my fridge. On one side is African children with bones protruding and hands held out receiving food. On the other side is a photo of U.S. women looking frantic and stressed buying Christmas presents with arms and carts loaded with stuff no one needs (in my opinion.) The title says “What are your priorities?” Our priority is to go and tell others about Jesus. I ask you what is your priority? I am reminded also about the David Platt book called Radical where we are highly encouraged to quit living the American dream and use our resources to advance the Kingdom. Suddenly, my faded, worn out blue carpet doesn’t seem so important to replace any more. The lady was so happy about the home God had given her. Would you be happy with so little? After all, God has bless her with a roof over her head.

Be Mission Minded

This afternoon we had a youth rally. Most of the kids seem to be 13 and under. We mostly had children. A lot of kids prayed the sinners prayer. The local church will follow up on them. Some of the team is sad about leaving. Right now I am happy to be here. I have learned many things that I want to copy on the next mission trip to E. Ky. I encourage everyone to pray about their involvement in missions. I want to especially encourage the ladies my age and older to go on a trip. If I can do it, so can you. If you have accepted Christ, you have a testimony to share. People are dying around us and going to hell!

P.S. I heard that the snow is gone up there. Boo hoo! I love the snow. Yesterday and today was warm; 70 degrees plus. The rest of the week was much cooler which I like very much! Adios!

New Brothers and Sisters In Christ!!

DSC00193-2My team mate today was Amy. I was told by Rich that if I wanted a soft drink in a bag, today was my last chance. As we were “finished” evangelizing, we stopped at the store. One of the interpreters began to talk to the lady customer. She invited us next door. She has a lot of problems; one being depression. Well, I certainly can relate. So I presented the gospel to her and encouraged her about the depression. She accepted Christ. Isn’t God good!

We also met 2 men who didn’t want to talk to us so we gave them tracts and moved on. Later, in the alley we saw the 2 males reading the tracts! We met one woman who was so joyous to see us. She accepted Christ! We met one teen who didn’t know much about God/Jesus, so I went into more detail. He accepted Christ! Two young girls were listening and it was pointed out that they had been listening all along. They accepted Christ as well! Amen! Amen! Praise the Lord for His harvest! My team this a.m. had 14 to accept Christ. I feel so privileged to be here. I have met many new brothers and sisters in Christ. God willing, I want to come back!

Angels We Have Heard on High……

Good morning! Thursday, when I found out that some of the team was going to a school, I asked God did he want me to go. I didn’t get a yes and I didn’t feel compelled, so I went door to door. I found out why later. We met a lady that was a Christian and as we talked I found out we had several things in common. So I encouraged her to keep the faith and stay strong. I was meant to talk to her. It is nice to know that as we struggle through life, we can help someone else later who is in the same boat. Then we met some teens, about 6, who was sniffing something through a bandana, and they were acting silly. Our interpreter, Jasmine stated, “I’m scared” and told us why. So we gave them tracts and invited them to church and then left.  I wasn’t scared. My team was Keith (missionary) and Adam. !We had another fiesta in the afternoon and I got to do a role in the Sin Box drama again. That was so much fun! One hour before the fiesta, we went door to door. A young lady accepted Christ but we all felt by the way she acted, she did it to get rid of us. However, only God knows for sure. We left the Bible and a Christian book and a tract with her. In the p.m. service, I was blessed by little girls that looked like angels in their robes who hugged all of us to greet us and then hugged us again when we left. Cool! I felt very welcomed. Breakfast is about ready so I will go. I usually lose weight on mission trips but I don’t think so this time. Fanny is a great cook. Praise the Lord! The missionaries have done an excellent job taking care of us! This is the best mission trip ever. I am so glad that the national church leaders listened to God when they decided that all teams should do evangelism this year. It has been awesome to see so many come to Christ!

Very Busy Day

Today we went into Siguatepeque; a northern city. We did evangelism this a.m. and p.m. and 36 people accepted Christ today. Today my team was Beth and Wes. One man who accepted Christ stated, “I never let anyone get close to me before to tell me about the Lord.” He was working outside and he easily conversed with us. Another story is that some children saw us and ran to their Mom saying, “The Americanos are coming!” She locked the door and didn’t want to talk to us because she thought we were Jehovah Witnesses. Once she found out who we were, she talked to us. She accepted Christ as she wept.

Mid-day we hosted a fiesta. Three children accepted Christ. I was part of a drama team that performed The Sin Box. I totally enjoyed it!

I gave my testimony again tonight in service. Forty one years ago, a person came to my childhood home and invited us to church. I was thinking about that as I was going door to door doing the same thing. The person never knew what happened to me spiritually speaking. Likewise, we will never know what seeds will produce fruit here in Honduras.  Only in Heaven will we truly know.

I am having a great time learning about the Hondurans and their culture. Seeing so many come to Christ is awesome! I am so glad I’m here.

PS To Tuesday’s Update

Worship was awesome tonight! This church had less people attending than the others but they were very passionate, loud, and demonstrative in their praise to the Lord. We did have electricity and we did sing You Are God Alone. The neat thing was a lady who we had prayed for during evangelism time attended the service. We prayed that God would heal her back/neck pain earlier in the day. The lady went forward and prayed at the end of the service. Stephanie and I went to pray with her. We found out that she had no more pain after we had left! Praise be to God for His healing hand!

Tuesday’s Update

This morning we loaded our backpacks with Bibles, Christian books, stuffed animals, and candy. We started out going from house to house. Eventually there was so many people in the street that we just witnessed to people in the road. Stephanie and I were a team. Whew! What a spiritual workout. We took turns witnessing and between the two of us 27 people accepted Jesus. It seems so surreal to see so many people accept Christ. I pray they are all planted on good soil. After lunch, we held a 2 hour VBS. We did a drama with the Bible story that Adam presented. I was one of the disciples in the boat when Jesus was walking on water. Totally fun! Then I was in charge later of the preschoolers who colored. They are so sweet. They talked to me but I couldn’t understand them. My interpreter had already left me. So I smiled, clapped my hands, and gave them the thumbs up when they would show me their work.

Now I am waiting for church to start. Beth, Stephanie and I were supposed to sing a song tonight but we hear they have no electricity, so we will do it tomorrow night. I’ll have to take my flashlight to church.  🙂

The Good News

This morning we went door to door evangelizing. My team consisted of the interpreter, Beth, and Eric. The Hondurans were very gracious and welcomed us. We went to 6 homes and was able to share the gospel 3x. Two ladies at one house accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior! Praise the Lord! I felt so calm and at peace. Bro. Keith asked people to pray 2 Sundays ago about is there more that we should be doing in the church. I volunteered to pray about what more I need to be doing. I have my answer of what I am to do. I took the GROW training but have not gone yet door to door. It was so easy sharing the gospel here. I plan to make a concentrated effort to make different arrangements at least for one Tuesday night of the month so I can attend GROW.

This afternoon we went to the local hospital. The hospital is very old. The hospital is nothing like home. You wouldn’t want to be admitted here. I don’t know what the fix is with our healthcare system back home but I am telling you, we are blessed with what we have. We prayed with the patients and families and passed out Bibles, stuffed animals, jewelry, purses, and candy. They were very appreciative.

We went sight seeing for a few hours. There was this very old and gorgeous church. The stone pavement in front of the church was etched like it was a shadow of the church. What came to my mind was how God protects us in His shadow. Also I think of how God protects us like a hen sheltering her chicks. 

How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.” (Psalm 36:7, ESV)

Jesus Is The Only Way

‘’Red, yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight…..’’ This song played in my head when I attended an open air church this morning. There were people from Switzerland there, as well as the Hondurans, and us.  It is awesome to know that God is omnipresent. We come from different cultures but we as people have the same needs.  Jesus is the only One that can fulfill those needs.  John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him may not perish but have eternal life.”  The Honduran Christians were so open and welcoming. Even though I didn’t understand most of what was said, love was spoken universally; through hugs and warm smiles.

I observed 8 new Christians being baptized in a small swimming pool on a 50 something degree day. One adult being baptized was from Switzerland and the other 7 were Hondurans. God is very active here! I feel privileged to be able to be here and serve the Lord! I was able to give my testimony during the service.

I have a nice home to stay in, comfortable bunk bed, and delicious food. There are 2 homes here in the compound within block walls and razor wire on top. There is a security guard here at certain times. We have 2 guard dogs waking us up in the night plus chickens crowing in the a.m. Mountains surround us.  Good night all! We are going to the hospital tomorrow. Thanks for your prayers!

Sunday night     9:50 p.m.

God’s Protection

I was driving on I65 North this evening when I noticed a semi making a large amount of sparks. Traffic was slowing down and getting over. As I was moving over to the far left lane, I noticed an object that had fell off the truck. It was approximately 5-6 feet long and my car was headed straight for it, if God had not directed my driving. Had I hit it, the car would have major damage and possibly even myself. I was within inches of running over it. I thank God for His protection.

Satan likes to attack Christians when they are about to do God’s will. I know Satan does not want the trip to be successful. I thought of this verse: “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3