New Brothers and Sisters In Christ!!

DSC00193-2My team mate today was Amy. I was told by Rich that if I wanted a soft drink in a bag, today was my last chance. As we were “finished” evangelizing, we stopped at the store. One of the interpreters began to talk to the lady customer. She invited us next door. She has a lot of problems; one being depression. Well, I certainly can relate. So I presented the gospel to her and encouraged her about the depression. She accepted Christ. Isn’t God good!

We also met 2 men who didn’t want to talk to us so we gave them tracts and moved on. Later, in the alley we saw the 2 males reading the tracts! We met one woman who was so joyous to see us. She accepted Christ! We met one teen who didn’t know much about God/Jesus, so I went into more detail. He accepted Christ! Two young girls were listening and it was pointed out that they had been listening all along. They accepted Christ as well! Amen! Amen! Praise the Lord for His harvest! My team this a.m. had 14 to accept Christ. I feel so privileged to be here. I have met many new brothers and sisters in Christ. God willing, I want to come back!