
Today, my team went door to door witnessing. At one home, there was a dirt and rock floor with lots of blocks lying around. Basically, the place was a complete mess as far as U.S. citizens are concerned. The house had been demolished and they were in the process of “remodeling.” There were few possessions lying around. The lady thanked Jesus for her home and all she had. I was reminded of the picture taped to my fridge. On one side is African children with bones protruding and hands held out receiving food. On the other side is a photo of U.S. women looking frantic and stressed buying Christmas presents with arms and carts loaded with stuff no one needs (in my opinion.) The title says “What are your priorities?” Our priority is to go and tell others about Jesus. I ask you what is your priority? I am reminded also about the David Platt book called Radical where we are highly encouraged to quit living the American dream and use our resources to advance the Kingdom. Suddenly, my faded, worn out blue carpet doesn’t seem so important to replace any more. The lady was so happy about the home God had given her. Would you be happy with so little? After all, God has bless her with a roof over her head.

One thought on “Hola!

  1. Wow, Ida, it really makes ya think, huh? I have so much and still find myself complaining sometimes. Thank you for the reminder of what’s really important.

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