I Am Definitely Coming Back

This week has been amazing. I truly don’t know how to explain it. Just seeing what God has done in all the people he has reached through us, and what He is doing in all of the  team’s lives. We  now are officially done with events, evangelism, services and such for this trip. I can’t believe it’s done. It feels like we just got here. I REALLY don’t want to go home. I would be completely happy to just have this week go on forever.  We had three church services today, that was unusual. I have never been to three services in one day. The services are so very different here. There is generally about 45 minutes of just worship (music, testimonies, etc.), and then there is generally about a 45+ minute sermon. There are also a lot more differences, just in the way everything is run and done.

It’s somewhat funny, I’m so used to the sound of Spanish, that even the English around me sounds like Spanish if I’m not listening to hard. It will be weird going back to constant English instead of a mix. There have been a couple of times this week where a group of kids come up to me and start playing with my hair. It’s pretty funny, it’s happened at least three different times. Its really sweet though.

I don’t know what else to say. Other than I am EXTREMELY thankful I got to go on this trip. I am thankful for the awesome team this year and how well everyone has gotten along. I thank God for everything he has done for me and everyone this week. I was proud of everyone on this team for stepping out of their comfort zone and doing what God has called them to do. I know God will continue to do great things in all of our lives.

Thank you all for all of your support,


It’s been an Amazing Week

The way I look at culture, sharing the gospel, the way I look at worship and the way I look at prayer has all been radically changed, and I won’t forget about it. This isn’t just some “emotional high” you get from going on a church retreat or overnight event, but God has shown me through the beautiful country of Hoduras is that a lot of the stuff we do in america all needs to be changed for the glory of God. We don’t need to be standing there during worship service thinking “I’m hungry” or “I’m tired”, but instead we should be raising our hands in the air and realize hoiw unworthy we our of God’s love. Instead of closing your eyes during a prayer so that,  on the outside, it looks like you’re praying but in reality you’re mentally coming up with plans for the evening, we need to on  our knees, crying out praises to God while puddles of tears fall down to the floor. Instead of making some cool event that has some catchy title to catch someones attention so that they’ll consider going to church ONCE, we need to be out there delivering the Gospel door-to-door to people who NEED CHRIST just as much as the people down here. Instead of looking at an international mission trip as your way of speaking about Jesus to others, we need to realize that (although this is an amazing trip to go on, and I encourage anyone who’s considering doing missionary work/ministry to do so) our home is our mission field, and that we should be waking up in the morning looking forward  to finding ways to bring Christ in every aspect of your life so that others will be impacted. I know that every single person on this trip feels the same way. God is the only way any of us can make a difference.


Breaking News, Yeti Spotted in Honduras.

Breaking News. Recent reports say that there have been multiple yeti sightings here in Honduras. The spotting’s have left locals and visitors with many questions. The yeti has been suspected to originate from somewhere in Kentucky, and that it might have been transported from Kentucky to Honduras and then planted on one member of a mission team. The mission team being from Kentucky, there may be a link between the origin of the yeti and the origination of the team. There is currently an investigation going on about who might have planted the yeti. There are many suspects (*cough, cough* “Fongs” *cough, cough*).  We will bring you any more information once it is made know to us.

last night here some what deppresing

We have had three services and all have been awesome. I gave my testimony in front of 150 to 175 people it looked like the biggest church I have ever seen when we walked in. but it probably was not now that I look back at the day. But me and Susie both thought thanks Wes for saving our testimony for the largest church we have been to all week. I was shaking like a leaf I had to hold the mike against my chest to keep it still but I did it and now I think I can do it again. I cannot wait to come back and bring my family. we had to say bye to Jennifer, Vannesa and Lucilla today that was bitter sweet because they have been lots of fun to be with. tomorow will will have to say good by to Pamela and Hans it makes me sad. It is hard to believe that you can grow so found of people in a week but I sure have and I will miss all of them a lot. Terry and Arlene have been wonderful host and we will miss them also. Well we will see you guys in about 24 hours keep all these people in your prayer please thank you love you all Eddie

this week is coming to a close

It’s been an amazing week here in Honduras. God has really worked in the hearts of the people here and of us Kentuckians who came down. We had a good afternoon yesterday doing some touristy things. This is all of us in front of Comayagua Cathedral, it’s tower has the oldest clock in the Americas.  And of course I got a few souvenirs! : ) Today has been busy with 2 services and a VBS so far and yet one last service tonight. Collin and I will share our testimonies and Mr. Matt will preach. Today has been a great end to a great week. So blessed to be a part of God working in Central America.

I will Praise You in the Storm..

That song (see the title of this post) sums up the week for me.  The rain from the clouds has been minimal and has not slowed us down, but the storms that Satan has tried to create in my life have made me have to fully rely on God for energy, strength, endurance and patience.  But I do Praise Him for these storms, as God has allowed me to work through this and hold fast to the fact that it is not about me.  God has shown up, used each of the 15 of us and our interpreters, in ways none of us expected or could imagine.  While teaching some kids the song, My God is so Big, I was again reminded that He is SO BIG!!!  He asked me to obey and come on this trip as He knew there was going to be amazing things happen.  This had to make Satan “shake in his boots” so he did all he could do to ruin this trip, but again, God is BIGGER and He Delivers his people if we call out on His name.

I know I have not blogged until now and it is not because there has been nothing to say, it is partly due to the “storms” but mainly because there has been so much that God has done I have not been able to but words to His Works.  My teammates have done a terrific job at keeping everyone up to date, so I will let them speak what I cannot.

All I can say is…  Once again, I say Amen, and its still raining

fifth day

Again we have had a great day we fed 125 kids was suppose to be 100 we did not have enough. Two little girls did not get to eat because we did not have enough. How does that make you feel. Well it made me feel like crying I grabbed Pamela asked what we could do she told me they have no more food or drink so I asked if gave them money would they get more so that is what we did.
So I beg of you to look at all the junk we have and get our priorities in order. This world needs our help people we need to wake up and get with it myself especially. Again Rich has given a great message in tonight’s service. Every bodies testamonys have been great all week. Please pray for us and our interprataters and or transportator.
Love all you guys back home