Day 6

Today was another God filled day. It has been raining off and on but the most it does when our team is out is sprinkle and not for very long. We had many sharing opportunities. We started off with VBS. It was just so amazing to see the happy kids partaking. Then of course there was the sad part of watching all the kids that want to be involved sitting outside the fence. Later we went door-to-door. Although my group only went to one house the whole time, I know it was God’s plan because we were able to get a bunch accomplished. Then there was community church service outside. I loved seeing people come in throughout the service. We were all so different but gathered there together we were all one body glorifying God.

A beautiful day

20140104_071240-2As I awoke this morning my first thoughts were on the agenda for the day, then quickly moved to the thought of it being my sister’s birthday.  This made me a little sad since we had plans together in Honduras today.  Within minutes of being sad about not being with my sister I looked out the window and saw a beautiful rainbow.  I have never been so close to a rainbow before and seen the end of one so clearly.  It was a beautiful reminder of God’s promises to us.  He never promised us for everything to be exactly what we want but he does promise us that we will receive blessings when we follow Him.  You see, when the trip to Honduras was first brought up I had no intention of going.  However, I kept feeling that God was nudging me to come. I surrendered to that nudging and now the blessings that I have received are too many to count – seeing children be fed when we thought there was no way the food would last,  talking with someone who feels defeated and has no hope and witnessing the joy and huge smile on their face when they accept Christ and know for certain where they will spend eternity, the difference being made in my oldest son’s life for being right where God wants him to be…and many, many more blessings that are too plentiful to count. I will be able to share all of these blessings with my sister upon our return to the states.  God will give us many other opportunities to share His love in other places…Happy Birthday, dear Amy!

As I end my day I am reminded of an earlier post and just want to say, How GREAT is our God!

Day 5- adam

Yesterday I went to the school and we had a bible study and we did crafts and we had games. Then we fed them and we played outside. After that we came and ate lunch and then we went to visit people at the hospital. Then we headed to a church service. We fed them after the service and gave them clothes and we left so that was my day.  God is amazing and I am thankful for the opportunity to be here.