Day 4 – Adam

Woke up and got ready and had a great breakfast and devotional before heading out.  We went to a small village and had a fiesta with the kids.  We came back to the house and had lunch.  Then we went back to the village and went door-to-door sharing God’s word.  This was the first time I ever did this and I was very blessed with being able to share the gospel and God worked through me to lead a woman to Christ.  This was so exciting for me I was nervous at first but God gave me peace and gave me the words to share with her.  I was in a group with my mom, Cassie, Isaiah, and Natalie, our interpreter Jennifer and two people from the local church that will stay in contact with her.  It was a great day.

Day 4

Today was a day full of opportunity’s to serve. We started off with a fiesta at a church with about 60 kids. It was such a blessing to see them so happy over things that I tend to take for granted. Their faces light up at the slightest gifts you give to them.  It could be a piece of candy and they are so thankful and happy. We then got to go visit what will one day be a church camp. It was out there with really nothing around so you just stood out there peering at the beautiful scene God has created. Later in the afternoon we got to go door-to-door evangelizing. It was such a blessing to get to share my faith with these people that know who God is but don’t know much about him and the life he lived. I was definitely scared but it calmed me when I realized how grateful and open then people were to what we were doing for them. They would give everything they had to us just to show us how much they really do appreciate us. It might just be a chair but they will stand just so we can sit. My view on life has been changed already and we are just now half way through our trip. God is good!

More Pictures

More Pics and the Other Half

The other half of the totes have arrived and just in time. Tomorrow is our first VBS and the tote with the supplies was in the missing half but a short 4-hour round trip car ride to Tegucigalpa and back and we now have all 14 Totes. I missed out on our first door-to-door experience, but we had a good grouping of our teams and I am confident all is going well. We had 12 children pray to receive Christ at this morning’s fiesta. There were 60 children in attendance in all and for that we praise God and I look forward to hearing their experiences this afternoon at tonight’s share time.

We are doing some souvenir shopping and some sight seeing tonight. Comayagua is home to the second oldest clock tower in the Americas and so we will take the team to see it.

I will try to get some of the others to post tonight and if there is someone that you want to hear from specifically, comment and let us know and I will pass the word.

We do have one sad thing to report…it’s already Thursday and I would bet there will be a few that will not want to leave.

And now for the stuff you want to see: