Can you take the heat?

Today was spent at the La Rotaria community, seems we have spent most of our time on hills and mountains which is kinda crazy when you have to walk up almost vertical slopes to get to a house.

Door to door was good because I had a chance to share the gospel and meet the most wonderful people. Fiesta with the kids was fantastic, many fun games and competitions lots candy, balloons, toys and wonderful prizes. The kids were reluctant to go home when the fiesta was over.

Church service – pastor preached on Gods love for the world. There were more than 80 people present. There was singing and more singing in Spanish.  Then we prayed the heavens down on earth.

AM so thankful to be a part of this mission, I am learning so much especially about my future role in missions.

I am struggling with the heat, its really hot here. Makes me wonder if I can continue as a missionary in the future. I am sure it would be better for me to deal with the heat here than to spend eternity in the suffocating heat of hell or for anyone to go to hell.

Can you handle the heat? Its your choice.

God prepares His workers.

Today we visited the La Rotaria community in Comoyagua. The pastor. Has been working in the area for seven years. He had members of his church accompany us on our door to door evangelism. This was a very different church membership, 80% women and 20% men. The ladies that joined us today were all on fire for Jesus. This was another blistering hot day of walking up hills and very steep slopes, more importantly a few people confessed Jesus as their lord and savior.

It was wonderful working with Rich, Suzey and Carmen and a learning opportunity for me to see the gospel shared by Suzey and Rich. I learned a few things which helps me share the gospel better. The people we met are hungry for Jesus, and work diligently at sharing the gospel in the area.

The pastor and his wife welcomed us into their home for rest and refreshments. This afternoon is the fiesta I am looking forward to that.

May the peace of Christ be with you all.