Love one another.

I was nervous about going on mission, before I arrived in Honduras, I thought I would not fit in because of my dark skin. Strangely enough people come up to me and talk in spanish and expect me to answer. It was funny as I was speechless. I will now have to learn Spanish.

Today we spent the day at the La Palma community, first it was a long scary drive up the mountainside. I am thankful to Pamela who was our expert driver for her exceptional skill in negotiating all the steep roads. The church was located at the top of the hill amidst the coffee plantations. Door to door was gratifying as usual. Meeting new people, praying with them, praying for them.

Later there were games and bible stories with the kids. Parents heard the gospel and many rededicated their lives to God.  I also saw Gods love in action, so many generous people donated clothes, shoes, dresses, toys, books and much more.These were shared with families today. Church members and friends your donations reached 40 families today. Thank you. Little kids received toy cars and fluffy toy’s. All Who received were thankful and happy.

Gods love was clearly evident today.


David and Goliath and other formidable foes


This was one of the highlights of my day today. In our moments of flexibility we took the kids that we were “prepared” to take outside to do a children’s church kind of thing (we weren’t really prepared but Pamela said we were to the congregation as we took all the kiddos outside before the preaching because they were being kinda loud). We did a few games we could think of and the kids had a good time. Then Hector our translator volunteered to tell a Bible story so he starts by asking the kids which Bible stories they know. Joseph? David? Let’s do David and Goliath. So he did. And he was so great with the kids, even a little boy who was crying he just picked him up which instantly calmed the boy and he used him as a prop for the story. It was so precious. Tears came to my eyes as he told the familiar story and let the kids chime in and say back parts. ( reminded me of Mrs Linda Catheroll at Mt Zion Baptist) it was just a sweet moment and his heart for God and for the kids was so evident, it blessed my heart.

And come to find out there were giants in this community, unbeknownst to us at the time, and God protected us and fought our battles. If God is for us who can be against us!

First day

This year coming to Honduras is a lot different than in 2012. For one, I knew more than a week ahead of time that I was going, which is nice – so I could prepare and pray more ahead of time. I also had been studying Spanish and practicing everyday at work which is a huge help in communicating. I realized in 2012 that Open Eyes ministry is great at connecting folks we share the gospel with to local churches so they get a chance to be discipled, not just to be a number or a stat. This is super important. And it’s great because this year we’re basically focusing on one community each day so we go door to door witnessing in the morning then after lunch we’re doing activities with kids, meeting some kind of physical needs (food and clothing ministries) and then a church service. it was great to see the folks we had witnessed to and prayed with back for the afternoon services.

We were talking today how so many folks back home are doing pintrest projects with pallets: decor, furnitures, art. We saw several houses today that were made up entirely of pallets, not solid walls just old wooden slats. But what got me is how content these sweet people are. I know we don’t have the opportunity in just a half hour or less to really get to know them, but they seem to be happy with what they have. And one Christian family we met especially were just shining with His love, they had a concrete house with a dirt floor and it looked like 2 rooms for their whole family and they had a lot of kiddos (which were adorable by the way) and their faces just showed the joy of Jesus. Todo bien gracias a Dios. All is good thanks to God. I long for that kind of contentment in my own heart

Day 3 Photos

Day 3 – The Mountain… (Or Hill)

Today we went to a village named La Palma. It took us an hour to get there because the church was at the top of a mountain. We just kept going up. It reminded me of traveling to Estes Park, Colorado, just with more winding and more narrow roads, steeper grades, and far less pavement and it was a dirt road all the way to the top. If it would have been raining we would have never made it! (See the pictures)

Most went out in teams to evangelize door-to-door, all but me anyway. Since we were in steep terrain, I didn’t want to risk injury to the leg. So as the teams were out I stayed back at the church. It was a small building, not much bigger than a large Sunday School class, but the view from the front door was spectacular.

What we found out after the team had returned was this was a pretty rough area (though it didn’t look like it). We never felt unsafe or apprehensive and were greeted with very warm people. But we were told that there had been several brutal murders in the area, one victim of which was a church member’s son who was with us today. The area was also plagued with those practicing witchcraft.

When I was told all of this by one who was concerned as to whether we should stay for the service, especially after being told that one of the area pastors had been shot in the arm for preaching the gospel in this area, I told her what the Bible tells me… “If God is for us, who can be against us.”

So we continued with service… plus I didn’t think it appropriate to cancel service when the message today was on Matthew 6:25-34 which tells us not to worry about our lives, what we will drink, what we will eat, or what we will wear, but to instead seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness.

Needless to say, we all made it back safe and sound (Even Susie!) and I don’t think we are heading back there the rest of our trip. But God placed us there for a reason. Pray that he will grow that church, perhaps through the seeds planted today, that it may be reclaimed for the Kingdom!