Ice Cream and Football?

I am starting to wonder if we are on a Mission Trip or vacation. The difference this year is we decided to make our travel days Mondays which is a non ministry day in Honduras and so the real work begins tomorrow. We will be leading a mini vbs and feeding children and the Open Eyes feeding ministry. Most of the team will then visit a local hospital to offer encouragement. I will be staying behind to work on my sermon preparation for tomorrow night.

We did have some excitement that woke a few from their slumber…

We had a flat on the van about 5 miles from the hacienda, but the little guys should apply for NASCAR seeing that they changed the tire on the bus in the middle of the street with a bottle jack and a rock, yes a rock!

About to head to the cabana that Matt, Collin, Isaiah, and I are staying in so we can get ready for an early start. Hope all is well on the home front.

Pastor Rich