Happy to be back in Honduras!

Today was a very long day but very eventful. We got through security fine and then went to eat at Burger King, then we went on a 2 hour bus ride to Comayagua from the capital. We then arrived at our not so typical mission-like house that is on a gated community (very safe!). We then settled in and then some of us decided to organize the totes of all the awesome stuff we brought with us (thank you everyone that donated and bought supplies for us). We then were ready for the week and very organized. For those of you that know me, this part was fun to me. I later found out that I will be going to a school on Wednesday and talking to a bilingual school about the differences in American (USA) schools verses Honduras schools. This will also hopefully open a door to share the gospel as well!! Hope everyone at home is doing well, thanks again for all the prayers. Headed to bed now for an exciting day tomorrow.

~Stephanie Vittitoe