Tuesday’s Adventures

This morning we went out evangelizingng. I went out with Wes and Eric and our interpretor, Jasmine. I got to share the message of Jesus with 5 kids at one time and all of them accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Eric and Wes were talking to their father who was a Jehovah’s Witness.

We had a VBS session this afternoon and we were only expecting 30-40 kids and 130-140 kids showed up.

One of the things that we did was we taught the children to play duck, duck, goose (pato, pato, gonzo) and they had never heard of that game before. They liked the game, but I have never seen a game of duck, duck, goose turn to violence. Two young boys got into a scuffle when one tripped the other while he was trying to catch the goose. The other, even though he was smaller, decided to hit the other kid. We had to seperate them, but this is what happens when you have someone who is not a Christian playing a game and wanting to win.

We still have to go to church tonight sI have to get ready.

Tuesday’s Update

This morning we loaded our backpacks with Bibles, Christian books, stuffed animals, and candy. We started out going from house to house. Eventually there was so many people in the street that we just witnessed to people in the road. Stephanie and I were a team. Whew! What a spiritual workout. We took turns witnessing and between the two of us 27 people accepted Jesus. It seems so surreal to see so many people accept Christ. I pray they are all planted on good soil. After lunch, we held a 2 hour VBS. We did a drama with the Bible story that Adam presented. I was one of the disciples in the boat when Jesus was walking on water. Totally fun! Then I was in charge later of the preschoolers who colored. They are so sweet. They talked to me but I couldn’t understand them. My interpreter had already left me. So I smiled, clapped my hands, and gave them the thumbs up when they would show me their work.

Now I am waiting for church to start. Beth, Stephanie and I were supposed to sing a song tonight but we hear they have no electricity, so we will do it tomorrow night. I’ll have to take my flashlight to church.  🙂

God is Good, God is Great…

When we hear this, most of us think of the prayer we learned as a child for meal time, but let me tell you  there is a totally different meaning to these words.  I have yet to post since we arrived, so bear with me this will be long…

Since we have been here, we have been blessed with so many different things.  The first service we led on Sunday had a Baptism (in a portable  pool in their building).  There was also a family from Switzerland that is living in Comayagua for his work and his parents and grandmother had been visiting.  So Pastor Mario had them speak to the church.  We heard them speak in German, the son translated it to Spanish and then Jasmine interpreted it into English.  The son was one of those that were baptized.  Then Sunday evening we went to the CCI church and they had Communion.  We were able to participate, and what a joy that was.  Both the Baptism and Communion are not done every service.  Isn’t it amazing how great God is, to have these events for the services we were at.  Monday took us to the streets in the morning.  We divided into 3 groups for evangelism with Pastor Mao’s church.  We saw a total of 21 salvations professed, every team had at least one.  Monday afternoon we went to the Hospital.  We took stuffed animals for the children, Purse filled with goodies for the women and hats for the men, and of course candy for all.  It was definitely a step up from the Hospital Rich and I visited in Choluteca in 2008, but the others on the trip still felt the impact of their misfortune and our appreciation for the Hospitals in the USA.  Then we had our “free time”.  This was a little strange for Rich and I as last time we did not have “free time” until the last day.  They took us to two Souvenir shops and two parks and to the oldest Clock Tower in all the America’s.  This is attached to a Church and we were allowed to go into the church and take pics, and they let us go up to t he top of the Bell Tower and look out.  The stairs were interesting, as they were not evenly spaced, but it was amazing view of God’s glorious creation in the sky and on Earth.  We then headed to the local mall, just like ours only smaller.  Oh, and there were armed guards in the parking lot.  Back to the house after the mall for supper and share time and prepped for VBS on Tuesday.  

Today we went out in the morning for evangelism with Pastor Orlando’s church.  Our team experienced a total of 45 salvation’s professed.  We also invited everyone to the church service for tonight and the children to the VBS we were putting on at 2pm today.  We then headed back to the house for lunch and regrouped.   We then headed back to Pastor Orlando’ s church for VBS.  There were at least 140 kids plus the adults and our team.  Adam did a great job leading the Bible Story.  He chose when Jesus walks on water in Matthew.  He had others act out the story as he read it from the Bible and then he reemphasized the importance of the story.  Erin asked questions and Beth and Eric gave out the prizes.  I had the kids come up (5 boys and 5 girls) and tell their favorite bible verse.  If they got it right, they got a prize.  We then led them in a few songs and a game of Hot Potato.  The kids lined the walls to play this game.  We then had real game time where the guys took the boys and the ladies took the girls to play games, while Ida, Beth and Erin took the younger ones to color and jump rope.  Then at the end we gave them all candy.  That 2 hours went by so quick.  (Those of you who know Beth will have to ask her about her pants.  She sat on the stage during VBS and ripped her pants on a nail, clear down her leg.  Thank goodness someone had a jacket she could wrap around her waist.)

We are all now relaxing and waiting until we have to get ready for church at 7pm. 

Of course the food is so amazing.  It has been tempting to “cheat” and drink something while I eat, but I am being good so far and having to chose wisely.  Fanny is a terrific cook, and a great housekeeper.

Isaiah is doing unbelievable, although I do not think I should expect any different.  Yesterday he presented the gospel once and today three times.  Today he had presented it to a group of five boys and they all excepted and this is while his other teammates were speaking to someone else.   It is a blessing to see God work not only in your own live, but even more when God works in your Child’s life. 

Well, I think I need to wrap up for now, I will try blog everyday, so it is not so long.

God Bless,



Adam, Austin and Amber – We love you so much and miss you all.

Mom and Dad – Thanks for the comments and the prayers.

Valerie – Thank you for the encouragement and the prayers, I miss you so much and wish you could have come with us, you would love to be serving God with us.

Work – I do no t regret coming, and although I miss you all, I do not miss the work and the interference with God’s service.  I hope you all enjoy our blogs and can appreciate the work we are doing here.

God is amazing!!

100_5359Today has already proven that God is with us!! Today I was with Ida and we got to witness to several kids and adults. We has 27 confessions of faith!! God is truly amazing. Just to see the excitment on the kids faces when we first tell them about the Lord is truly awesome. This afternoon we are going to have a VBS for the kids!! Continue to pray for us as we do God’s work!! Today total we had 45 confessions of faith, total this week is 66!!! Praise God!!



Today we are going out door to door again.  This is a wonderful opportunity to share what Jesus is doing and has done for us.  This morning as we did our daily devotion we talked about how our salvation is not about us.  It’s about what Christ has done for us.  It’s not about what we have done or what we did in our own lives.  Its all about God and his mercy he has showed us.  Today, as we go out in just a few minutes, and as we share our testimonies and as we share how great and wonderful God is we have to focus on Christ alone.  If we take our eyes off him even for a second we will lose focus of what Christ is about.  This afternoon will be extremely exciting for me as we do a VBS.  I have such a passion to see young children come to know Jesus Christ.   We’re talking about how Jesus walked on water.  Bus is leaving I have to go!!!!


First to Rise Yet Again

Leaving 13 degrees behindIt is such a blessing to have hot water this time. I was not looking forward to having cold showers this week, so I am glad that we didn’t have to. Today we are heading out to do some more door-to-door and then later we are going to be doing a VBS in a day. It has been a blessing seeing people step up to volunteer to help plan and organize these events even though they may not know what to expect.

For th most part everyone is working well together and Arlene told me that this group is doing great, so the team gets an “A” for day one and I am proud of their efforts and look forward to what they can do today through Christ!

We all know that Jesus is the strength, power, and purpose of all that we do, and as we are studying this week in our morning devotions, “It’s Not About Me!” My prayer for today is that we all remember that simple message of wisdom from Max Lucado. I know that the easiest way to wreck a trip is to take our focus off of Christ and to turn it ontoKY Basketball in Hondurasourselves. That is when the complaining begins because we are more concerned with our own feelings or wants. I thought it fitting that the Bible story that the team chose for VBS was Jesus walking on the water because in that story Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and began to sink. If we want to walk with Jesus we need to remember to focus on him and him alone and leave our fellings and our selfishness behind.


The Lords work

100_5178The last few days have been very awesome here!  This country is very beautiful and the people here are so open to talking to us.  The church services here are amazing!  Its fun to watch and listen to the people who love the Lord.  I may not be able to speak their language but I can tell how much love they have for Christ. 

Today as we went out into the towns and talked to the people about Christ, we encountered a few kids who were sitting on the sidewalk.  When I talked to these kids I asked them where they thought they would go if they died today.  All of them said that they either didn’t know or hell.  As I talked to them about the love of Jesus Christ and how he died for our sins, I could see in their faces that they were truely interested.  It was such a blessing to see these children to come to know Jesus today as all of them asked Him into their heart.    It’s so awesome to know that today 21 people accepted the Lord as their Savior.    I ask that you will continue to pray for us while we are on our trip and that you will pray for the people in Honduras.  This country is very open to listening to what we have to say.  One guy even said thank you to us for sharing the gospel.  

I want to say thank you to all of my friends and family who have supported me along the way!  Stay tuned for more posts!!!!!!DSC01496


Love you all,