People of KY

I’m coming home!!!!  I’m excited to leave Honduras.  Although, I do like it down here and I could see me and Erin living her and sharing the Gospel daily.  It’s time to go back home!  We have people in our own community that need to hear about how great and awesome our God is!  Many times when you come back from a place where your soul purpose is to only focus on Christ, you fall away from sharing at home.   I want to be fully committed to sharing the Gospel to our friends in family in MW. 

Wes talked tonight about how he wants to go home and reach the people in MW as well.  Maybe us two and other memebers of Kings can come together and be willing to go out (not just on GROW night) and tell people about God’s love for them.  We’ll even put together a new team called “Share the Gospel to the world!”  Wanna join? Just talk to me and Wes. 

We’ll see you all Sunday!

Love your brother in Christ


PS:  Can anyone tell me and Wes how our Kings teams did in the basketball league tonight?  Thanks!

I’m not comming home

100_5765Today was another amazing day. This morning I went out with Rich and Isiah door to door. We had 3 salvations but we were able to encourage a few fellow believers. I’ve been nervous all week when we were going door to door but each time God has been with me and I have overcome my fears. This afternoon we did a youth rally we had a large group of kids that we were not only able to play games with and sing songs with but we were able to share the Gospel and show Gods love to each of them. the memories that Adam and I have of Honduras will never be lost yet we do not want to leave. I love my family and I love my job but I also love this place. It would not take much for me to move here. (sorry mom). the people here are very welcoming and loving. It makes you realize that in the states we get so caught up in our daily lives that we forget what our true focus is. we forget that God is the reason that we are here and we should do everything to glorify God. I will truely miss all of the people that we have meet. we have had four translators that we have not only shared the gospel with but we have also shared our lives with each other. I glad to be comming home but I am very sad to be leaving.DSC01782

love all of you!! thank you for all of your encouraging words and for supporting us all the way.  GOD BLESS!!   ERIN

I was so nervous!!!:{

DSC01765Today I Shared my testimony.  This whole week I’ve known it was coming, but I never thought to prepare  for it intill it was an hour and a half away and I didn’t have anything ready. I made a check list on what I was going to say.

When I got there God told me: “Nope, you ain’t saying this.”

So I’m like: “What do you want me to say.”  He never answered me so I told God: “I ‘ll just trust you.”  And when it came time for me to say my testimony God  put the words right in my mouth. And through me God saved twelve lost people!!!:}



100_5781This week has been so amazing. Its been humbling and life changing. Not only has it been so awesome to get to know the people of Honduras, but I have enjoyed getting to know our team more as well. I have so many stories. So many experiences that I will never forget. I’m sure you all have heard many from past blogs from everyone. I can’t say enough how thankful I am for this week. God is amazing. He has worked in ways I don’t think any of us could have ever imagined.

Tonight was hard to say goodbye to everyone. I dont want to leave at all! But I know God has taught me so much through this week. And He is going to use us all when we get home. I have been able to share the Gospel more then I ever have done in a very long time. Out of the MANY things that I have learned this week, I know that I need to be more passionate about bringing others to Christ in my own mission field!

See you all soon!



DSC01804Well it is Friday, and as much as I was looking forward to not preaching tonight and to see what God was going to do through Wes, Adam, and Eric, I am sad that I did not have another opportunity to give one more message to the people of Comayagua. Amy said that she wishes we could stay another week. Who knows what the future holds, but for now we are wrapping up the trip. I will soon be placing all of the pictures and video on the website, but that will have to wait until we get back home.

God has reaped a harvest this week. We have a recorded 188 professions of faith this week and that is with the faithfulness of a few. Kings Baptist Church, as well as anyone else reading this blog, imagine what we could do with 400 being faithful to the task of sharing the gospel with our own communities. We marvel at the stories of the multitudes that came to Christ at Pentecost, but this is not impossible when God’s people are working together.DSC01769

Will you be the one? We were told this week to not talk to a certain man because he has turned away everyone who has ever tried to talk to him about Jesus and that man came to Christ this week because we would not give up. A 74 year old woman who was a long-time member of the Catholic church said she believed that she was a good person and that she knew that her church was right. Today she learned the truth because we were willing to take the time and tell her that we didn’t want to change her church but to change her life by giving her the hope and assurance of a saving faith through Christ Jesus.

Tonight we are celebrating the victory with our team and our support GEDC0491staff of interpreters. I pray that as our team returns home tomorrow that we will remember that at home we won’t need interpreters in order to share the gospel, only the courage to do so.

Via con Dios,


Be Mission Minded

This afternoon we had a youth rally. Most of the kids seem to be 13 and under. We mostly had children. A lot of kids prayed the sinners prayer. The local church will follow up on them. Some of the team is sad about leaving. Right now I am happy to be here. I have learned many things that I want to copy on the next mission trip to E. Ky. I encourage everyone to pray about their involvement in missions. I want to especially encourage the ladies my age and older to go on a trip. If I can do it, so can you. If you have accepted Christ, you have a testimony to share. People are dying around us and going to hell!

P.S. I heard that the snow is gone up there. Boo hoo! I love the snow. Yesterday and today was warm; 70 degrees plus. The rest of the week was much cooler which I like very much! Adios!

New Brothers and Sisters In Christ!!

DSC00193-2My team mate today was Amy. I was told by Rich that if I wanted a soft drink in a bag, today was my last chance. As we were “finished” evangelizing, we stopped at the store. One of the interpreters began to talk to the lady customer. She invited us next door. She has a lot of problems; one being depression. Well, I certainly can relate. So I presented the gospel to her and encouraged her about the depression. She accepted Christ. Isn’t God good!

We also met 2 men who didn’t want to talk to us so we gave them tracts and moved on. Later, in the alley we saw the 2 males reading the tracts! We met one woman who was so joyous to see us. She accepted Christ! We met one teen who didn’t know much about God/Jesus, so I went into more detail. He accepted Christ! Two young girls were listening and it was pointed out that they had been listening all along. They accepted Christ as well! Amen! Amen! Praise the Lord for His harvest! My team this a.m. had 14 to accept Christ. I feel so privileged to be here. I have met many new brothers and sisters in Christ. God willing, I want to come back!

Last day

Sadly today is the last day that we are going out door to door.   I would love to stay down here for another month.  We’re going to have a youth rally today and they are saying we could have up to 200 children.  NUTS!  We don’t have  a lot planned for it but we do have a few games and testimonies.  The rest is up to God. 

I hope my family and friends haven’t missed me too much.   I know plenty of you would like me to stay down here!  And to my friends at FFSB-I hope work hasn’t been too boring without me there.  I’ll see you all when I get back home! 


Let us be as little children…

Last night we were so blessed to be a part of a church that had so many children there. I was amazed at how well they worshipped and praised God and also how attentive they were during the service. I had a little girl come sit with me and Wes she had remembered me from earlier that day. Even though we couldn’t speak the same language we understand the same God.

Naomi the little girl that remembered me at church!!

Naomi the little girl that remembered me at church!!

Later last night when we had share time, Wes said that in all the greetings of the children he is reminded of Jesus. He said he thinks of Jesus and how he would travel around to city to city and be greeted by people and children and they would follow him. I am sure you have read the blog Wes wrote about Nelson receiving Christ and then following us back to church. Yesterday Wes said he had some other children just follow them around. He said it makes me feel a little like Jesus did and how the little children would greet him and follow him.

If anything I just hope in this week we have learned to be a little more like Jesus.


Not Ready To Leave

Today is our last  day. I can’t believe that we are leaving tomorow. This week has gone by way too fast. God has done so many amazing things in all of our lives. I’m not ready to leave. But I’m so excited to see how God is going to use us when we get back home.

Today is the youth rally. We’re all missing you Joey! We’ve been praying for you. See you soon!

We’re getting ready to do devotion. Pray for that God can continue to shine through us. Miss you all.
