What can I say?

There is nothing more I can say other than God is Great!!!!!!!!!!  Total for the trip we have had 143 people come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior!  That is totally awesome.  Whats even better is that the people from the local churches will be following up with those who have been saved.  Tonight, I get to give my testimony.  I’m not nervous b/c I can talk about myself very well LOL.  But last night I got to hear the testimony of one of my Honduras brothers.  He’s 16 y/o and his name is Garson.  It was the first time that he gave his testimony.  He did an awesome job and it was amazing to hear how God changed his life while living here the same way God changes are lives at in the U.S.  

I’ve encountered many people here who think that they are saved from hell b/c they are good people.  I want to tell you that good people go to hell too.  The only way we can go into heaven is through Christ.  I’ve realized how easy it is to share the gospel to strangers.  I know that Erin and I will continue sharing how great God is!!!   I want to challenge you to share your faith even if it is just your testimony to friends and family.  Remember, we are not guaranteed tomorrow or the next hour.  Don’t wait b/c if you don’t share that person may never hear about God’s love for them. 

May God bless the USA


My Last Sermon

It seems weird to say that I am prepping for my last sermon, but the pastors thought it would be too uch on his people to have the 4 hour youth rally and then a service afterwards so tonight is the last night for me to preach. I have been amazed so far how God has used the team. At last count, there have been 123 professions of faith and countless other reconciliations and times of encouragement that we have been able to provide. The team is out right now doing another fiesta and if like it was in the past there may be many more professions of faith before the end of the day.

It also amazes me that we can share the gospel so easily here when at home it is difficult sometimes to even leave the house. I think it would be great if we could pack up the entire church and come down here for 2-weeks so that we all could see how successful God’s word is when it is shared boldly in the streets. This is a call to all of you to accept this challenge to be involved. I know that we say that we are, but how involved is your life with spiritual matters. This week yet again has proven to me that I need to be doing more. Through the message the other night that God laid on my heart I proclaimed that their is no preparation needed to accept the gospel, and that there is an urgency in accepting the Gospel, but this can also be turned around. There is no preparation required in order to share the Gospel. We all have a testimony as Gerson found out last night when I had him give his, and if you are a Christian and you are living for Jesus, then you should have a reason for the hope that is in you and a basic understanding of how to be a Christian, so what more do you need. Secondly, there is also an urgency to sharing the gospel. As Wes said today to a few people, none of us knows the day or the hour of the Lord’s return or the day of our demise, so how can we allow the world around us to die as we live. We must remember that we are in a race against time and the one that is waiting behind is the one who will miss out on the blessing that comes from sharing your faith, not to mention that if you love your friends and neighbors, they are as drowning men with only moments to live, are you going to wait to throw them a line, or you going to ensure that they live.

Esculea in Honduras!

100_5602Since I am a teacher I have been wanting to visit a school since I have been here. So this morning I found out they had arranged for me to go visit a bilingual school (means that they speak English and Spanish). Erin, Beth and Isaiah also got to go. When we got there we found out they were going to be going to recess soon, which is not where they play games per say but where they get a snack (fried foods) and sit around and talk. So we walked around and talked to some of the students in English and handed out tracks to them. A lot of the younger students really liked them and all of the kids kept coming up and wanting them. The school was really relaxed; we also got to go into some into some of the classrooms.

Erin and I got to go visit an 8th grade class, the teacher let us talk to them and then he asked us to share the gospel with the class. I thought to myself if we could only do this is the U.S.!! So I went on to share with them about Jesus and why he came to the earth to die for us. A lot of the kids raised their hands that they had heard about Jesus before and some 100_5611of them said that they had accepted Christ before but a few had not. So I went through the sinner’s prayer with them and all of the students said the prayer with me. They didn’t want to raise their hand that they had said the prayer but I told them to tell their teacher if they did. We also left some bibles there in case some of them didn’t have any. Then the teacher asked us to share our testimony with the kids, it was so cool to share with them and they all truly listened.

Afterwards we went to another class that was taught by and American teacher he was from Buffalo NY. He was teaching English and talking about a poem. He also got on the topic of segregation, several of the students had never heard of that before. So he used us as an example of how since we were white we would have to sit outside for class and they could sit inside. They thought the idea of segregation was horrible, to me it was awesome that they didn’t know about this horrible thing. They think that everyone should be together no matter what color their skin is and that is so awesome, because there are so many people back in the U.S. that still have this idea of segregation and that is not good. Anyways I just wish people could have just a taste of the culture and mindset that is here in Honduras there with them in their heart.

100_5632We also got to sing a song with a younger class; the kids were so sweet and so excited that we were there. I just loved visiting the school and it would be neat to teach in a different school. This was a really nice private school and they are on an America schedule. The regular Honduras schedule is February through November and some of the schools here are probably not this nice. This experience was truly special to me and I am so glad I got to go to this school.



Today is not even half way over and already been awesome. This morning we visited a private school. The kids there spoke English so it was awesome to talk on our own and not through a translator. We were able to go to each room and visit the children. They were having recess when we arrived so we went around and handed out gospel tracks to the children. In this school there are ages preschool to 11th grade which here is equivalent to a senior. Stephanie and I then went to a spelling class where we were able to share the gospel to the whole class. We were also able to share our testimonies with the class. It is so amazing to be able to share God’s word at a school. We then went to a class with a teacher that was originally from Buffalo NY he had moved here because he met a women here on a mission trip and married her. He now teaches in the school that we were at today. It was very interesting to sit in his class and see how the kids here learn compared to the kids in the states. The kids here have 10 classes a day they have some in Spanish and some in English. They are very smart but not so well behaved. They all talk out at the same time and the teachers say that you have to earn the respect on the kids here rather than in the states where the respect is already there because you are a teacher. The last class that we stopped at was a spelling class we taught spelling to the kids we helped them with their spelling words and taught them who to put the words in sentences. It was great that we could participate and help them with their grammar and help them pronounce words that they were struggling with. Finally we taught the kids Jesus Loves Me and they loved the songs a few of the kids wrote down the words to our song so hopefully they will share it with their friends so that God’s word travels with them. I can’t imagine that today could get any better but I am sure that it will. GOD is GREAT, GOD is GOD, GOD is in HONDURAS!!! Love you guys and miss you all!! ERIN

God is working in Siguatepeque!

Hello friends and family,

Yesterday was our long day we went to a northern town in the mountains called Siguatepeque. We went evangelizing in the morning and the afternoon the people there truly have nothing. I got to give a stuffed animal to some little girls and they just carried it around everywhere they thought I gave them the world!! I also thought it was cool how all of them live so close (walking distance) to their family. I have always put family at a top priority in my life, but family is pretty much all these people have. Some of the people in the same family got saved yesterday and I told them through the translator to help each other with their faith and hold each other accountable.100_5502

Later in the afternoon we had a fiesta for the kids. At first I looked around and I did see but a few kids but all of sudden there were about 60 kids!! We had the fiesta at a pavalion and the kids just sat there and listened and were so happy to participate. This little boy got a truck for participating in a game and his smile was so big!!! 100_5554

After evangelism for the second time we went to their church in the evening. This church had just moved to this location because they continue to grow and even this night they had packed the place out!! We only had a guitar for music but you could really feel the presence of the Lord there. I also got to talk to this girl that teaches in Honudras in English, she was really sweet and you could truly see her love for the people.

Afterwards we had an hour drive back to Comayagua, on the way back it was dark and we came around a turn and all of a sudden you could see the city of Comayagua in the valley it was so beautiful!! Well I hope you all are doing well, thanks for all the prayers and encouragement!!


Worthy is the Lord

This week has been an experience I will never forget.  Yesterday was a very long day for all of us.  However, God gives us all strength to be able to get through the day.  On Tuesday we had a VBS and the kids there were beautiful.  As I read them the story from Matthew  about God walking on water I could see on their faces how closesly they were paying attention to me and others acting it out.  It was fun b/c we didn’t have a huge setup with props everywhere.  We had four tubs for our boat, two blue sheets for the water and bats as paddles!!  It’s sad to know that in North America we make our VBS as elegant as we can in part b/c our children are spoiled.  One look at what the children down here have and you think to yourself “I feel so sorry for them.”  But they are content and don’t know anything more then what they own.  I think at churches in U.S. we take away what is truely important and that is Christ.  The VBS was also fun b/c we taught the children how to play poto, poto, gonzo (duck, duck, goose)  They had no idea what the game was. 

This week has been so much fun and the worship services here are awesome!  They aren’t afraid to sing out to the Lord and to say AMEN!  The church the other night was small but so loud!  They go to church here every night and if they can sing loud, raise their hands, and praise God all through the service, why can’t we do that on the one day we give God?  The services here last an 1 1/2 hours or more.  I’m sad that this week is drawing to an end.  But I know that I can take back what these people have helped me understand even more.  And that is how to truely worship God with all your heart and all your strength. 
