“No ameis al mundo, ni las cosas que estan en el mundo. Si alguno ama al mundo, el amor del Padre no esta en el.” 1 Juan 2:15

“Do not love the world or the things that belong to the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in Him.” 1 John 2:15 Today has been an amazing day. This morning we went to church and 8 people were baptized!!! The people are so welcoming and everyone freely worships. Tonight Wes and I testified and it was an awesome church, you could really feel the presence of the Lord there, it was so wonderful. I said a few things in Spanish when I started and the people there seemed to really like it. Wes shared about his life and his wreck in 2008 and people seemed to really be touched by that. Afterwards a girl named Rachel came up and talked to me and she said she was really blessed by my testimony and that blessed me just by here telling me so. So far this trip has been nothing like I have expected but everything much more than I could imagine!! Glory to God, Gloria a Dios!!!

Sunday night      10:15pm

Jesus Is The Only Way

‘’Red, yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight…..’’ This song played in my head when I attended an open air church this morning. There were people from Switzerland there, as well as the Hondurans, and us.  It is awesome to know that God is omnipresent. We come from different cultures but we as people have the same needs.  Jesus is the only One that can fulfill those needs.  John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him may not perish but have eternal life.”  The Honduran Christians were so open and welcoming. Even though I didn’t understand most of what was said, love was spoken universally; through hugs and warm smiles.

I observed 8 new Christians being baptized in a small swimming pool on a 50 something degree day. One adult being baptized was from Switzerland and the other 7 were Hondurans. God is very active here! I feel privileged to be able to be here and serve the Lord! I was able to give my testimony during the service.

I have a nice home to stay in, comfortable bunk bed, and delicious food. There are 2 homes here in the compound within block walls and razor wire on top. There is a security guard here at certain times. We have 2 guard dogs waking us up in the night plus chickens crowing in the a.m. Mountains surround us.  Good night all! We are going to the hospital tomorrow. Thanks for your prayers!

Sunday night     9:50 p.m.

Sunday Service, Great Lunch, and No Power

8 Being Baptized

8 Being Baptized

This morning went well. We were able to witness 8 baptisms in very cold water. Thank God from brother Duard and warm water. It was a little chilly today, around 55 and the water temperature was probably about the same. It was also interesting that we came to Honduras to meet people from Switzerland. Their son was one of the people being baptized today.

The worship was great. The pastor of this church is also affiliated with Compassion International so their financial support is good and they even had “wall-music” this morning. That was great because we were able to sing along as well, at least in our Kentucky draw pronunciations.

We got back from the service and Fanny had pork steaks and potatoes for us. I swear I am bringing here home with us. Amy would agree. I then realized we had no power. There is some pretty good wind today and I guess it knocked something out so I have been hand-writing my sermon and for those that know me, I type for a reason. Thankfully we have power and all is good.

No Keith we cannot put a pool in the CLC

No Keith we cannot put a pool in the CLC

It is always amazes me how God works out the details. We opened all of the totes this afternoon and everything that was donated fits well with what we are doing all week. Tonight we are going to be at another church at 6:00pm and then tomorrow we are going to go door-to-door in the community (get out the walking shoes).

I am hoping for a good nights rest before the choir of rooster’s all crow yet again in the morning. But our rule for the week along with part of my sermon tonight which comes from Philippians 2 is that we will do all things without grumbling or questioning so may God be glorified even when the rooster’s crow.

The rest of the team is in the back playing a little basketball this afternoon which gives me a little peace in order to finish my sermon preparation so I will have them blog more this evening, barring no more power outages. I look forward to seeing what God will do this week.


Early to Rise

Honduras 2010 - Day 1 076

It is now 5:00am KY time. Pastor Keith should be proud of me. It is 4:00am here so I may go back to bed though. We thank everyone for their prayers and their support. Today will be our first ministry day. We will be leading at 3 different church services. We have a fairly lengthy break between which we will use to go through all of the donations that we received.

The team got their first experience with Fanny’s cooking yesterday and I would say they were all quite pleased. Pastor said he usually loses weight on mission trips, but that’s because he hasn’t had Fanny cooking for him 3 ties a day.

As I was preparing last night for this mornings sermon I was struggling with it, but I realized that in my haste I was trying to use a sermon that I had previously prepared and just fit it to Today. About a month ago I had chosen all of the scripture for this week and on Friday when the pressure was on I chose to ignore that list. God reminded me in a mighty way that he is in control and not me when I opened Philippians 2:1-11 and within an hour had a complete sermon pour through me. I don’t think I have ever type that fast before. Now I just have to fix Arlene’s PC so I can print it out.

Honduras 2010 - Day 1 077

Today, as you are reading this blog, remember that in everything we do, we should not do it for ourselves, but we should do everything for God’s glory and to honor Him.

For those prayer warriors, I could use some for my back. Last night was difficult hetting to sleep, but I am determined to ignore the pain and praise God through it.

It is a little cold and quite windy this morning but it is a far cry from 12 degree so I’ll take it.

Well the rooster is crowing so I am either going to get up or go back to bed, either way I’l blog more later.


Dinner Day 1

Dinner Day 1